Chapter 3

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All the interns were at the cafeteria getting lunches when Becky ran in capturing everyone's attention and sat next to Irin. Everyone including Irin sensed the distress in Becky's face.

"I didn't know Dr.Chankimha was that bad." Irin began.

Becky was too deep inside her thoughts to actually pay any attention.

Still no reply.

"Hey!! Becky!!" Irin nudged the girl to get her attention which brought her out of her thoughts.

When she came to her senses, she looked around seeing all eyes on her. Her eyes moved from each face surrounding her and finally landing on the concerned face of her only friend Irin. Can they be friends already? They only just met. But the girl seemed nice.

"Oh! Hey!" She said awkwardly waving at the rest of the group who she assumed are the other interns who started today just like her.

"Is everything alright?" Irin asked.

"Yes.. everything's fine. Everything's great actually." She gave them the most fakest smile ever.

"You looked like you have seen a ghost." A guy who was taller and had a dark hair spoke.

"It's just the first day nerves getting to me."

"That's true. This is the real deal. Med school feels like a piece of cake right now. I'm Billy by the way."

"I'm Mind, that's Lux, and that cute one over there is William."

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm Rebecca, call me Becky."

"So how was working with Dr. Chankimha? Just so you know it's every intern's dream." The girl who was introduced as Lux asked.


"Ofcourse. She's hot as hell and happens to be the best also, who wouldn't want to work with her?" She replied as if it was so obvious.

"I barely spend 5 minutes with her. So I don't know. Not yet anyway." Becky sighed.

"What about the other thing?" William asked raising his eyebrows.

"What thing?"

"Is she hot?"

Ofcourse she's hot as hell. But she wasn't gonna say that. She can't think like that.

"She's OK."

"Seriously? Are we talking about the same person? She is called the Forbidden Fruit of this hospital. Everyone wants her yet no one can have her."

She wanted me though. What is her deal anyway?

"Besides her it's Dr. Armstrong who I find the hottest." Billy said a little too excited. Almost immediately Becky's eyes widened.

"Dude he's married." Irin said hitting his arm.

"Doesn't mean I can't find him hot."

"You are weird." Mind said shaking her head.

"Is it true that they are rivals?" Lux asked suddenly interested in the conversation.

"They both are in line for the position of chief of surgery. So probably they are." Mind said.

"May the best one win." Billy mocked.

Throughout the conversation Becky felt really uncomfortable not even able to touch the food suddenly finding the entire thing unappetizing.

"Dr. Armstrong?" Someone called from behind. The voice that Becky knew all too well by now which gave Becky goosebumps, the good ones or the bad ones she didn't know yet. Becky visibly gulped.

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