Chapter 15

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A/N : Just a quick note, since you all know this story is Grey's Anatomy inspired, so those of you who have watched the show knows what's coming next and I'm sorry in advance. Some angsty chapters up next.

Secrets can’t hide in science. Eventually, science reveals lies herself. How we manage to keep secrets outside of science, that’s another thing.

There are two types of secrets; the ones you want to keep in, and the ones you don’t dare to let out. They say some secrets are made to protect us. Some secrets are innocent, others are not. Others can hurt us.

But between the two, if you decide to keep a secret, once it is out in the open that secret itself becomes irrelevant. The fact that you kept it, does not.

Mind knocks incessantly at the bathroom door, still in her pajamas and still half asleep.

“Billy! I need to take a shower! What’s taking you so long?!”

“Sorry! Uh, I’ll be out in a minute!”

Mind rolls her eyes and then frowns. She leans her ear to the door. “What's taking so long?!” She smiles amused.

"I’m getting dressed!”

Suddenly the door bursts open and Billy looks at her in annoyance, while Mind smiles in amusement.

“Fuck off Mind.” He bumps against her shoulder and walks downstairs, while Mind keeps laughing amused.

“Mind! Mind, can I go in first please?” Irin asks her sounding quite desperate.

“Oh, if you ask me like that...” Mind smiles widely and then, all of a sudden, her expression is serious again. “No.” And she closes the door.

Irin groans and knocks on Becky's room and then enters without waiting for an answer. Luckily, she finds Freen and Becky still asleep and wrapped around each other.

“Sorry Bec, I need to use your bathroom.” She enters and quickly closes the door.

That is enough to wake up both girls. Becky groans, desperately wanting to go back to sleep, but she can’t. And then Freen's phone starts ringing.

Freen rubs her eyes and tries to focus on the name on the screen. As she sees it, she turns down the call and goes back to embrace Becky.

“Shouldn’t you answer all your calls?” Becky mutters, her head buried in Freen's neck.

“Hmm. Just life or death calls.”

“What if that was?”

“It wasn’t. Go back to sleep.” She whispers.

“We can’t.” Becky cries. Then she quickly sits up on the bed, looking at Freen still laying down with her eyes closed.

“That was so brutal. You can’t suddenly leave me like that.”

Becky chuckles. “You wouldn’t like to be chained to me all day, trust me.”

“I wouldn’t mind. I’m all in for the chains.” She smirks while she tries to grab Becky with her hand, but the brunette doesn’t let her and pushes her away.

“You really are something else, Sarocha Chankimha.”

“Is that something good?”

Becky smiles. “Maybe I’ll give you an answer in due time.”


In the locker room.

“Well, why don’t we share our secrets? We live together, we should know about our kinks or worse. Me first-“ Mind raises her hand. “I don’t have secrets. Who’s next?”

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