Chapter 49 (Part II)

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6 months later.

Freen slowly opens her eyes while nausea starts kicking in, and she instantly sits up and rushes to the bathroom, but nothing actually comes out. She went to sleep without eating the night before after all.

But the nausea is unbearable, and Freen is clueless about the why at first, but then she looks at herself in the mirror, trying to see something. She feels different. She looks different.

People say that women change when they-

She opens the bathroom cabinet and pulls out a pregnancy test she had stored just in case. She's nervous and excited, but she also doesn't want to get her and Becky's hopes up. When she did the full check up before the insemination they both knew Freen's uterus was not the best host, but Becky was adamant. She believed they would be fine, that Freen could do it. But until now every shot had been in vain. That's why Freen can't believe this can be morning sickness.

Three minutes feel like three hours, but eventually, they come to an end, and Freen closes her eyes and takes deep breaths before looking down at the test.

The next thing she does is calling Faye.


Freen is in an empty ER laying on a bed with her legs spread open, while Faye splashes cold gel on her belly.

"Freen, you're stressed. Relax." Faye says gently.

"I can't relax, Faye. God, you know how we've been trying. This is the third time. I just.." She breaths in and out to calm herself down, "This time has to work." Her voice shakes.

Faye looks at her with tenderness. "Let's see how everything is, okay?"

Freen nods and rests her head on the backrest, while Faye looks at the ultrasound screen and moves the probe on Freen's belly. At first, Freen can't hear a thing, and she instantly panics.

"Faye, please don't tell me it's what I think it is. Please."

Before Faye can say something, the door suddenly bursts open, revealing Nam, who widens her eyes in surprise when she sees Freen in that state.

"Oh my God. You're pregnant?! And you didn't tell me?!" She screams.

"Shhhhhh. What the hell Nam?! Do you want the entire hospital to hear you?! Close the door!" Freen hisses harshly.

Nam's face suddenly shifts from surprised to serious. "You're finally pregnant and you didn't tell me." Her tone is almost threatening.

"I took the test this morning, okay?! I didn't tell anyone. I wanted to be sure first!"

"And?!"Both girls look expectantly at Faye, who smiles softly and presses a button on the central machine.

"Hear this."

At first it's a muffled sound, but after a moment it becomes clearer, and they can definitely hear a heartbeat. Freen gasps in surprise and covers her mouth with a hand, while tears start forming in her eyes.

"It's a heart. It's a beating heart!" Nam screams.

Faye chuckles. "Yes but, listen carefully."

Freen's smile slowly fades while realization hits her along with a second wave of shock, and as she meets Nam's gaze, she knows they both know.

"They're two, Freen. Two heartbeats. Two!"

"I'm going to have twins?" She asks, still incredulous.

Suddenly the door bursts open again, and this time it's Billy who comes in, his expression shifting to surprise as well.

Freen groans in frustration. "How do you people know I'm in here?!"

"I needed Faye for a consult! And...are you pregnant?!" Billy screams."With twins!" Nam screams back.

While Billy's mouth opens in shock, Freen points a finger at both of them. "No. I'm still not telling Becky. It's too soon, something could go wrong..."

"Oh Freen please! Stop thinking about what can go wrong! We can chain you to bed and just keep your uterus to rest!" Nam suggests.

"Freen, it's going to be okay. Right, Faye?" Billy asks.

"You're three weeks pregnant Freen, and even if it's relatively soon, the heartbeats are strong. But due to your medical chart, I will take a look at you at least once a week, so you don't have to worry."

For the third time that day, the door opens and Freen instantly whines and drops her head in her hand, not noticing at first that the person walking in was Becky.

"Oh God." Freen whispers. She tries to sit, but how can she sit down when her legs are spread wide open on two leg rests?

"What is going on here?" Becky asks looking genuinely confused. She glances at everyone in the room, then her eyes fix on Freen. "Freen?" Before Freen can put together a logical sentence, Becky looks at the small scans coming out of the machine, and stares at them carefully. Her mouth opens and closes twice, trying to find the right words.

"Are these...are these yours?" She asks with uncertainty.

Freen smiles softly with teary eyes. "Yes?"

"We're...we're having twins?" Becky smiles with tears in her eyes.

"We're having twins."

Despite not wanting changes, eventually changes always come for better or worse.

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