Chapter 54

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Freen felt a surge of anger bubble up inside her at the sight of Becky's easy laughter, her heart twisting with envy as she watched the man's hand linger on Becky's arm a moment too long. She doesn't even get to hold her these days, let alone talk and joke with her. How have their life turned into this boring middle age drama? 

"Speak of the devil, there she is!!" Becky greets her enthusiastically.

So I'm the devil now? Freen internally screamed.

"Oh my God! Dr. Chankimha!! You are fucking amazing." The man greets her overjoyed.

That took an unexpected turn, Freen thought. How the tables have turned, now Becky seems to be the one who looks pissed. She clears her throat, which catches his attention who immediately corrects himself, "I mean your work. You are a legend in the field. I really admire you. You are like my role model." He carries on rambling like a little child.

"Thank you! But who are you?" Freen asked, amusement coloring her tone.

A smile tugged at his lips, his eyes brightening with enthusiasm "Oh! I thought you recognized me. After all you were the one who hired me."

Freen flinches in surprise, "I hired you?" 

So I really am my own enemie. Freen internally scoffs.

"Yes, I'm the new neuro surgeon joining your team."

"Dr. Luciano?" She asks.

"Yes! But please call me Danny! Besides we all know each other here." He jokes, giving Becky a wink and his hands wrapping around her waist.

Becky turns to Freen and gulps at the look gracing her features. This can't be good she thinks to herself. 

Freen looked at Becky with a forced smile, her eyes betraying the anger that lurked just beneath the surface.

Becky shrugged out of his hold swiftly and elbowed him slightly, "Ouch that really hurt!"

Becky shook her head, "It was supposed to. Excuse him, he really doesn't know how to act professional sometimes." Becky says, giving Freen an apologetic look.

He scoffs lightly, "Hey stop embarassing me infront of our boss."

Freen knows for a fact that they didn't go to med school together. So what was she missing? She looks between them in confusion, "I'm sorry, but I'm not getting the connection here."

Becky catches on to the clear intrigue in Freen's eyes, not wanting any more misunderstandings she immediately talks not giving him a chance to respond and mess everything up, "We grew up together, he is like my brother from another mother."

He pouts like a child who was denied his favourite candy, "First friend zoned. Now brother zoned. We literally dated, Becky!!"

Freen's facade crumbled in an instant, her shoulders slumping, "You did??" Freen's voice pitched too high, breaking on the end. Becky winced.

"We didn't." Becky was quick to defend.

"We did." He says smugly.

Becky groans, "Alright, it was like three dates. All of which were a disaster." She relents.

He smirks in response, a glint in his eye that Becky does not like. "I have pretty good memories about it, maybe you are remembering it wrong."  

"I'm pretty sure I'm not." Becky argues.

"No need to get defensive. I'm just joking around." He says chuckling and falling into a full blown laughter.

"You are doing it infront of the wrong person." Becky says, her eyes darting back to Freen.

"I really am not making a good first impression, am I? It's just Becky brings out the kid in me." Frustration bubbles up inside Freen, but she forces it back down.

Becky sighs, "You are really not helping yourself."

He shrugs, "How about we catch up over drinks tonight?"

Becky shoots him a glare that clearly says shut the fuck up, "If you don't wanna get punched, I suggest you leave."

He looks at her in confusion.

"Someone here has a habit of punching people when they piss her off." She jokes trying to get Freen to lighten up and that seems to do the trick when she sees Freen's hardened expression failing.

"That was once!" Freen whines.

"I didn't do anything to offend her, it's not like you are married." He defends.

Becky crosses her arms over her chest, offering him a good view of her wedding ring.

"Oh my God! That is a giant rock. Don't tell me you are married." He asks, raising his eyebrow at her clearly surprised.

"I'm, married with kids." Becky states.

He chokes on his own spit at that, "Now I know you are bluffing."

"I'm not."

He looks at her with eyes as wide as saucers, "Becky you are 24, how can you be?"

Becky rolled her eyes, "I just am." 

"That lucky bastard, he sure moves fast before any of us even gets a chance." Becky rolls her eyes at him and pushes him on the shoulder.

"It's a she and sorry sweetheart but you didn't even stand a chance." With that being said, a big smile spreads across Freen's face.

"That's a whole lot of information to take in. You were this cute little girl who held my hands playing hide and seek and what not. But now, look at you married with kids. I'm truly happy for you."

Becky's expression softens immediately, "If you don't mind my wife joining us, we can do the drinks." She says looking over at Freen who gives her a slight nod.

"Of course. I would like to meet her."

"You already met her."

He looks at her in confusion, "No!"


Freen chuckled softly, her eyes dancing with amusement at the two friends going back and forth. 

"I'm her wife." She states firmly. 

That seems to shut him up. He stares at them incredulously. "Now it's making sense. I really fucked up, didnt I?"

"How about you go to my office and wait up? I will join you shortly." Freen says, an edge to her voice. She is clearly trying to intimidate the young doctor. 

Becky sees right through her, "Please go easy on him."

"I'll think about that." Freen shrugs.

"Come on, Freen." Becky pouts.

Freen frowned, "Why didn't I know about him?"

"You know him, I told you all about Dan."

Freen winced making the connection, so Dan is Danny.

Freen shakes her head, "Nope. I didn't know you two dated."

Becky scoffs, "Like I said, it was three dates." 

It appears as if Freen's whole body is tense as she stares at her, Becky can literally feel the tension radiating off of her.

"What is it babe? What's wrong? Just tell me what it is." Becky asks putting a reassuring hand on Freen's shoulders.

"Fine." Freen sighs giving in, rather than going around it, this time she decides to just go straight for the kill.

"I want you. Like right now."

Becky stares at her dumbfounded.

"I want to have sex with you, Becky or I'm gonna explode and I'm going to take this hospital down with me. I'm pretty sure you don't want that." Freen trailed off and sighed.

Instead of rejection, all she saw in those mesmerizing eyes that captured her heart the moment they first met was pure desire. Maybe she had been wrong all along. Becky wanted her as much as she did. 

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