Chapter 12

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Becky walks out of the elevator and turns around the corner, barely even looking where she is going. She has her eyes fixed on her phone. She doesn't even see who grabs her and drags her into an empty room. Just when she raises her gaze, she sees Freen. And suddenly everything that had been weighting on her the entire day feels lighter for a moment.

"Hi." Becky smiles softly, meeting an even bigger smile right in front of her nose.

"Hi." Freen places a sweet kiss on her lips and then caresses her face, taking a long look at the brunette. "You look tired. Have you been sleeping?"

"Yeah, um, not so well."

"Maybe you sleep better with company." She smirks, stealing another smile from the brunette.

"I wouldn't sleep at all in your company."

Freen raises her eyebrows. "Aren't you the one who drags me to bed every time? You are the one who always initiate it."

"Are you complaining? I won't apologize for my high sexual drive." Becky pouts.

"Besides is it that easy to get you into bed Ms. Sarocha?"

"Is that what you think of me, Dr. Armstrong?"

"No. It's just..I mean we never agreed on rules or..made it official. I mean-"

"You want to make it official?" Freen smiles widely in surprise.

Becky chuckles nervously. "That's not where I wanted to go with this talk. God." She hides her face between her hands. "I'm just saying-"

"That you want me to be yours and only yours?" Freen says stepping closer and running her hands on Becky's sides, slowly wandering under her shirt and reaching her skin. Becky shivers at the girl's touch.

The surgeon moves her lips under the brunette's neck, moving away her hair to place a trail of soft kisses.




"Yes what?" She whispers, still kissing every inch of the girl's neck.

"Be mine."

Freen stops to meet Becky's eyes and runs a hand through her hair, smiling at her softly. "I am already yours. I just wanted to hear you say it."

Becky smiles and places a chaste kiss on the girl's lips.

"I'll see you at the end of your shift?" Freen asks.


As she walked out of the room, reality came crashing down. Everything that happened at the party, what Richie told her, all weighing down on her like a ton of bricks.

Irin and Becky were walking together in the hallway on their way to meet their patient, but as they go, both of them are very quiet and thoughtful. Both of them glance at each other once in a while, almost hoping for the other to just talk about something to take their mind off
everything that was bothering them.

"Are you okay?" Becky asks Irin, noticing her silence.

"Me? Uh, sure. I'm fine."

There's a moment of silence.

"Are you okay?" Irin asks back.

"Me? Sure. I'm great. Everything's..great."

Irin nods and gives her a forced smile.

"Fuck it. I'm not fine." Irin announces.

"What happened?"

"Noey asked me out at the party." Irin blurts out.

Becky's eyes widen in surprise, "Noey as in our attending?"

"Yes. What do you think I should do?" Irin by this point have stopped walking, instead she was pacing back and forth infront of Becky.

"If you like her you should go for it."

"But she's my boss. Won't it be problematic?" She asks leaning against the wall.

Becky chuckles, "Are you really asking me that? I'm dating the next Chief in line. The boss of all of our bosses."

"We both are screwed, aren't we?" They both bursts out laughing in response.

"What is bothering you? Lay it out on me bestie." Irin says.

Becky releases a deep sigh, "It's just some things happened in my life and now I feel like whatever control I thought I had on my life is slipping away."

She paused and glanced at Irin,

"There are a lot of questions and no answers. I need to figure out how to move past this, and live with knowing the truth. But I don't know how."

Irin let's out a sigh before turning her gaze away from Becky, "That's intense."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"Becky I don't know what happened. But if you are going through what you said and still being this positive self of yours, showing up here everyday and helping people, I'm sure you have got this. Even when you might not feel it, you've got the strength to get through. You will find your way. We always will."

No more words were needed because in that moment Becky knew may be there was hope. Enough hope to survive.


Becky is down the lobby waiting for Freen to go back home. That's when she got a call from her mother's clinic.


"Hi, Is this Rebecca Armstrong?"


"We have been trying to contact your brother, your's is the secondary contact."

"What is it?"

Becky was full on panicking at the moment, she was walking back and forth, also keeping an eye on the elevator to see when Freen would arrive.

"Miss? The doctor says your mom has been asking for you. Maybe you should get here."

"Oh. she alright? Is something wrong?" She asks getting anxious.

"You should get here, Miss." The woman says again.

Becky knew what that meant. It's must be really bad.

Becky slowly puts down her phone as her eyes start filling with tears. She feels like everything is breaking from the inside. Like her body just wants to give up. As she's about to abandon herself on the floor, someone grabs her and holds her in their arms. As she raises her gaze, she sees Freen looking at her with a scared face. And she thinks she's never seen Freen scared.

"Becky what's wrong? Hey." But Becky only keeps crying silently. Freen cups her face in her hands and caresses her cheeks with her thumbs, wiping off the tears as they fall. " to me. What happened?"

"My mom.." She tries to breathe between tears.

"Becky, hey, breathe for me...please?" Freen pleads her, still holding her tight in her arms. "It's okay."

"She's not..not okay, Freen. I have to get there and..and I can't. I can't..."

"Why...why can't I hate her? After everything she has done?"

"Why does it still hurt?" She sobs

"Becky? Look at me, love." Becky meets brown and caring eyes. "I'm here for you, okay?"

"What if...what if she dies before I can even forgive her?"

"Then you should forgive her." At this point, it was hard for Freen to hold back her tears.

"I don't know how to, Freen. I can't lose her. Not like this."

"You won't. We'll take your brother and we'll go there together. I'm not leaving you. I'll make sure she will be fine. I promise." In that moment, she really needed someone that wouldn't leave her. And she knew Freen was the one.

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