Chapter 51

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A/N: Instead of adding special chapters I just decided to continue the story. Enjoy!!

Freen sits in her living room along with Irin, while Billy sits down on the floor with Fluffy crawling around the carpet in the middle of toys. About six months after their marriage Freen and Becky moved to their dream house and these occasional friends and family dinner have been a common occurrence ever since.

Becky, her father and Richie are cooking dinner just on the other side of the room, while her mum was still stuck at the hospital.

"I think it's gonna snow." Freen says.

"If it starts snowing Becky's mum and Noey won't ever be able to drive out here." Irin says.

"I don't think it's going to snow at all. They get wrong weather predictions most of the time." Billy says.

"Freen, honey, how are you feeling?" Robert suddenly appears behind her placing a hand on her shoulder.

Freen smiles softly. "You can tell your daughter I'm fine, for the twentieth time. It was a false alarm."

"Oh no, that was my genuine concern." Robert says winking at her. "But she did want to know too." He whispers.

"It's snowing!" They hear Richie screaming. "Damn, it's a lot."

Irin sighs and drops her phone on the couch. "Told you."

Suddenly Becky is ringing a knife against a glass of wine. "Dinner's ready!" She announces.

Both Freen and Billy share a look and burst out in laughter.

"Who is she?" Billy asks ironically.

"An Armstrong. Are we even surprised?"

Freen tries to get up but as she stands on her feet, she feels excruciating pain down her belly, and suddenly her legs are weak, and all the weight inside of her shifts down.

"Fuck. Oh God." Freen holds her belly in her hands, while the entire family rushes next to her with worried faces.

"Freen what's wrong?" Becky asks.

Suddenly Billy's expression shifts into a shocked face. "Becky..." He points to the floor. "I think her water just broke."

"Oh no, no no no no no. Please not today. Becky, we haven't even set the cribs yet." She holds onto Becky while breathing heavily.

"Freen, it's okay, first we call 911. Okay?"

"They're saying they can't come down here at this time, Becky. It's snowing too much." Richie says, already on the phone.

"Well I don't care if it's snowing! Tell them that my wife is in labor and to put snow chains to their fucking ambulance!" She shouts.

"Becky, honey, breathe. Okay?" Robert instructs the brunette in his arms, who was already too much freaked out.

"Okay, okay. Let's just lay her on the carpet, gather some pillows to make her comfortable." Richie says, picking up the pillows and throwing them on the floor under Billy's confused gaze.

"Wait, what are we doing? Aren't we taking her to the hospital?"

Robert sighs nervously. "We can't. It's not safe with the snow storm."

"Faye? We have a situation here." Richie is on the phone with Faye and Rachel, while Becky and Irin lay Freen down the floor.

She is breathing erratically and the pain is only growing stronger. "Becky? Becky..."

"I'm here love. I'm here. It's okay."

She breaths in and out. "I think there's something wrong..." She cries.

Becky looks at the people in front of her, scared more than she's ever been, almost asking for help. For someone who actually knows what to do.

Becky fixes her gaze on Richie, still on the phone. "Please tell them that someone has to come. Now." Her tone serious. Richie walks towards them putting the phone on speaker.

"Okay, um, Irin, check how dilated she is." Faye orders.

"What?! Me? I...I can't. I'd have to-"

"For God's sake! Just do it!" Freen screams.

She doesn't have to say it twice, and Irin checks how dilated her cervix is, focusing on what she feels. "Okay. I...I feel a foot."

"A foot?" Faye repeats while on speaker. "Irin, what else?"

"I...the cord. I feel the cord."

Becky's face suddenly falls in silent pain, because even if she doesn't know everything about birth, she knows some things. "Is it moving?" Becky asks in a small voice, but Irin doesn't answer at first, and Becky bursts out screaming, panicking. "Is it moving?! Irin!"

"No! It's not. It's not." She panics.

Freen abandons her head on Becky's lap and covers her face with her hands. "No, no no...Becky?"

Becky quickly grabs her hands and meets Freen's gaze. "It's okay baby, I promise. You're gonna be fine, all three of you." Then she looks at Richie who's holding the phone in the air. "Faye, tell us what to do, please."

"Becky, she needs a C-section, now. Or she might lose one of them, or both." Faye says.

"Without an ultrasound we can't say how they really are in there." Rachel adds. "You have to be quick."

"You do know that what you two are suggesting is crazy, right?" Robert says. "We can't even give her an epidural!"

"Robert." Rachel calls him out.

"There's no time. If you have any surgical tools in the house, take them, sterilize and do it!" Rachel screams from the other side.

"Irin?" Irin widens her eyes scared. "What? No. That's...I can't do that. She's...she's gonna bleed out. No." Irin is the only one who among them specializes in Gynec.

"Irin, please." Freen looks at her with pleading eyes and her face wet with both sweat and tears. "You have to save them. Please. I want you to do it."

"No! The ambulance will come. I'm not risking your life!" Irin screams.

"And I'm not risking my girls life. So you save them, okay? You save them, Irin. I don't care what comes next."

Becky shakes her head in denial. "Stop it. You're all going to be fine."

Freen smiles softly and squeezes Becky's hand in hers, not saying anything, because the knot in her throat was choking the words inside her.

Becky looks at her best friend in front of her, her voice small and broken, but still trying to hold back the tears. "Irin, please."

"Here's the tools." Richie says.

"Sterilize them." Irin orders, doing the same with her hands.

Irin places herself in front of Freen, holding the scalpel in her hands. She breaths in and out. She can't panic now.

And it's Freen's life in her hands.

She glances one last time at Freen, who nods in understanding, waiting for Irin to make the cut.

"Okay, I'm going."

The pain Freen goes through is a kind of pain that's worse than contractions, worse than anything she's ever felt before. Probably the same pain you must feel when a pole goes through you. She feels her body being cut open in two, and the screams are far from human. Like the pain is.

The worst ten seconds she can remember. The last thing she remembers, before she blacks out is Becky's tear stained face, and everything goes quiet.

And only in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn...who was strong enough to survive it?

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