Chapter 17

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The next day, Becky went to work in the worst mood. She knew she had to see Freen there, one way or another. They would have to work together eventually, but that was even worse considering her wife was there now.

Her wife.

This sounds so humiliating to her. Did Freen really took advantage of her because she was an intern? Was it all because of the thrill?

What if she goes back to her now?


It doesn’t matter.

Becky was done with her anyway. From now on, she was there to do her job and her job only.

As Becky is walking in the hallway, she’s stopped by Nita.

“Armstrong. There’s been a special request.”


“Dr. Chankimha requested your assistance today.” She says while she writes down the surgeries of the day on the board.

“And why would that be special?”

Nita meets Becky's annoyed look and scoffs a laugh in amusement.


“I’m sorry Armstrong. But it’s so obvious how pissed you are.”

“I bet that must be so funny to you.” She says crossing her arms on her chest.

“A little. But I’m not very thrilled about adding more drama to this hospital. By the way, I meant the other Chankimha, Faye.”

Becky's jaw drops and looks at Nita in disbelief.


“Yes. And you better behave, Armstrong. I don’t think you can count on favoritism anymore.” And she walks away.

Becky sighs in frustration. Of course she had to spend the entire day following orders from Faye Chankimha. She should have predicted this.

But she would keep it professional. She will do her job without trying to compete. She doesn’t have to. She doesn’t need to prove the girl she’s worth of Freen, right?

No. She doesn’t.


“All right, Rebecca. Define TTTS.” Faye asks her.

“Twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Conjoined fetal twins.”

“Connected by?”

“Blood vessels in the placenta.”


“One twin gets too much blood, the other too little, endangering the lives of both.” Becky answers proudly.

Faye probably expected her not to know, judging by the surprised and almost disappointed look on her face.

“They told me there wasn't much chance anything could be done.” Her patient say.

“TTTS is usually impossible to correct Julie. Unless you happen to be one of a handful of surgeons in the world who knows how to separate fetal blood vessels. Which, luckily for you, I am. So were gonna get you into surgery tomorrow. If you have any questions at all please ask Dr. Armstrong. From what I have seen, she is one the hospital's most popular interns.”

Such a fake ass bitch.

Becky keeps quiet, feeling more humiliated than she’s ever been.

Becky can’t take this. She’s not some rebound or a lover.

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