Chapter 4

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Freen stood before the enormous building, Bangkok General Hospital. It was another day, another beginning. The building is intimidating in itself, with its expansive wall of windows on the front side and bold, gleaming, silver letters spelling out the facility's name right over it's main entrance.

Freen still can't believe she works here. Sure, she's been working here for months, but every time she sees the building, it takes her breath away.

It wasn't easy getting to where she is. To actually be called the best among the elite doctors in here. She came from literally nothing, no money, no luxury, not even a decent home, not to mention the absent parents. All she had was her grandmother. And that was enough. She got where she's through her sacrifice. She's her only family.

The fight wasn't easy. She struggled to get through med school. She didn't have money. She worked multiple jobs. She didn't have food on the table most days. But it didn't matter cause in the end she did it. And everything was worth the sacrifice.

"Ugh, why is it so bright out here?"

The driver's side door slams shut, pulling Freen out of her daydream. Her best friend and head of pediatrics, Nam, leans against the vehicle, a pair of large black sunglasses covering her eyes.

"Probably because you didn't come home until two a.m." Freen reminds her because, unlike her, she stayed in last night and got the appropriate amount of sleep. They lived together. Not because they couldn't afford separate apartments but because they became family somewhere along the way. It was not just the two of them, there was Heng, Noey and Kade. All doctors and all family. "Even though you knew we had a morning shift." She finished.

"Blah, blah, blah," Nam's eyes are covered, but Freen has no doubt they're rolling. "Just because you're all work and no play doesn't mean everyone else is the same."

Freen doesn't give a response, she just starts walking toward the building to start her day. Nam feeling defeated following behind.

It wasn't because she wasn't interested in relationships. She just hadn't met someone who made her feel worth the effort. She had in the past and it didn't end well for her. So she wasn't going to put her heart on the line anymore. When she wanted something, she always puts her full attention to it. She never did things half heartedly. She is someone who will give you her all if you are worth it.

Of course everything changed when she met Becky. It was one of those constant nagging from Nam that made her go to that bar that night. And when she met Becky her whole life changed. She felt again. All those butterflies.

"Freen, hey!"

A tall, brunette closes the door of her car and walks over to them.

"Hi, Nita" Freen smiles politely at the other woman. She can feel Nam's curious stare drilling holes into the back of her head as she does so.

Nita pushes her dark hair out of her eyes. "I haven't seen you in a bit. Do you want to grab dinner or something later?"

"Oh," Freen's smile is a little more forced now. "I actually have plans tonight. Raincheck?"

"Sure thing," Nita doesn't seem to notice the change, grinning back at her before leaving. "Well, I better get in there. Being the Chief is not an easy job. For future reference. I'll see you around, Freen."

Once Nita is out of earshot, Nam lets out a low whistle. "Since when do you have plans on a Wednesday night? You, Freen Sarocha Chankimha never make plans on a work day. You can easily go out on a date with the Chief and secure your position as the next one in line. No more competition with little Richard Armstrong."

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