Chapter 41

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The Romeo and Juliet thing is only romantic in the movies and legions of YA novels.

In reality, coming from two different worlds is about a thousand little compromises with somebody being unhappy at the end of the negotiation. Love isn't a mystical force that can make the intrusions of family and fear magically go away. Truly wanting to stick out such a relationship is a long slow grind that takes grit and emotional investment that can give you more sleepless nights.

Becky frowns looking at her phone.

Freen hadn’t replied to her messages, having just left her on read.

With a sigh, she rubs her face as she stare at the coffee in her hands. It's past midnight and Freen isn't home. She hadn't seen Freen at the hospital after their talk.

"Why are you up so late?" Came Billy's voice, who seems to have just woken up from his sleep.

"I'm waiting for Freen." She casually replies, not giving much away.

"She hasn't come home yet?"

She shakes her head in reply.

"Did you...did you tell her?" His voice stuttered, whether from sleepiness or worry, she didn't know.

Becky could only nod. She needed to tell someone before she told Freen. Billy was  her best friend and as much as she wanted to tell Irin, the girl was busy with her girlfriend. So the other day when it got too much she decided to tell him and he was surprisingly helpful which was one of the reasons why she told Freen. She needed some push.

As much as she tried to downplay what happened at the hospital, she knew it wasn't easy. It's not going to be easy. Freen is never going to be the same. They are never going to be the same. This is bigger than them.

"How did she take it?"

Her head snaps at him in anger even if she didn't mean to, "How do you think?"

Billy flinches at the sudden action, "I'm sorry, Becky. I'm sure she just needs some time to process it. You guys will be fine." He says as he places a comforting hand on her shoulders.

"I highly doubt that. You weren't there. You didn't see the look on her face when I told her."

He sits down next to her before speaking, "If she doesn't realize your worth and destroy what you two have then she's a fool."

She looks at him grateful for the words yet it did little to seethe her worry.


The unmistakable sound of a glass breaking came from the living room. Both of them stood up and ran towards the scene wanting to find out what happened.

It was Freen who was getting up from the floor. Her body swaying lightly indicating her intoxicated state.

"Stupid fucking glass...." She curses as she wipes her pants with her hands trying to get rid of the shards.

Becky frowns at her state.

"You okay boss?" Billy asked clearly unamused about the situation.

Freen's head snaps up to meet the two figures in front of her for the first time. The bright light was blinding her vision, as she squints her eyes to see clearly.

"Peachy..." Freen replies with dripping sarcasm.

"Are you drunk?" Becky scoffed.

"Look who's asking." She shot back, which indeed hit all the right places as Becky lowered her head in defeat. But she didn’t let it get to her. She was worried sick all the while Freen was out drinking not even caring to atleast send her a text telling her she was ok.

"Where were you?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Freen asks with her signature smirk, which was meant to annoy Becky and it did.

Becky gave her a pointed look at those words, which Freen felt, and then chose to ignore. She attempts to take a step forward which doesn't go well as she trips on her feet again, but this time saved by Becky who reaches her side in an instant.

She yanks her hand away. "I can handle myself."

"I can clearly see that you can." Becky says pointing at the mess that Freen made.

"It's either you let me help you or get ready to spend the night on the floor." Becky looked at Freen dead in her eyes. She was silently conveying the warning.

Freen responded with a silent defeat. She pressed her lips together and nodded.

"Do you need..." Billy began but was immediately cut off.

"Go to bed, Billy." Becky spat.

Something in her voice made Freen snap back to reality. She felt a twinge of guilt. But she decides to ignore it.

Becky led them to the bedroom before helping Freen to lay down. She takes off her shoes and makes sure she is comfortably tucked in before starting to walk out.

"Where are you going?" Freen asked in a raspy voice clearly indicating her tiredness. She was too far gone.

"Nowhere. Go to sleep, Freen. You are gonna need it in the morning." Becky says as she walks out, her chest too heavy feeling as if someone literally stabbed her.

She was worried. Everytime she found comfort in alcohol it never ended well. She didn't want that for Freen. Especially now that she is the chief, there are a lot of eyes on her. She has to do well. And this is the worst timing.

By the way Freen acts Becky realized she clearly needed space. And she will give it, as much space Freen needs as long as they will find their way back to eachother. She desperately hoped they will.

Now she had a new mission in mind. Find out who was behind it, the person who sabotaged the surgery. She was well on her way to figure that out.

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