Chapter 47

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Freen's body was aching when she woke up. She felt really sore.

"Things getting real cozy back here."

Freen was taken aback by a pair of worn out trekking shoes came to a stop in front of her face. Her eyes followed up the dirty green pant legs and met with a mobile phone in the hands of her captor.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Taking a picture."

Freen blinked in confusion. "Why?"

"Have to prove I got her." Non clicked in disgust, "There's no trust these days."

"Why only her?"

"Because if you don't recall you were not part of the plan."

Falling silent, Freen contemplated the man. He didn't seem to be as scary as she had thought at first. But it was dangerous to assume too much about him. A groan from behind distracted her from those thoughts. Becky was only just waking up which struck her as strange.

"Becky?" Freen tried to turn. An overly warm hand covered her arm and Freen was alarmed. "Becky, you feel hot."

Becky groaned again as her eyes opened slowly. "I have a headache," she moaned.

"Don't worry, it's probably just a fever." Becky said cradling her head in her hands.

"Lean on me and rest," Freen said.

Becky lifted her head from her hands and smiled at her. "You're going to be really sore if I do that."

"I'll be fine."

Becky nodded.

Freen looked at her with a little quirky lift of her lips.

"What?" Becky asked, uncomfortable under those warm brown eyes.

"You really are quite nice."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

The little quirky lift became a full smile. "It's a nice surprise considering you never wanted to see or talk to me again."

Becky glared at the cheeky surgeon. "Don't get cocky just because I'm nice to you."

The full smile grew into a grin. "You said I can rest on your shoulder. I'm going to take your offer now."

Freen sat still as the weight of Becky's head landed on her shoulder.

"Nudge me if I don't wake up when the men come back," Becky whispered against her neck, making her hairs stand.

Freen was half asleep when the men returned. Becky didn't show any signs of waking up so she gave her a nudge as requested. Becky's eyes were slow to open, and Freen grew more alarmed when she saw how red they were.

"I'm feeling better now." Becky said noting the concerned look on Freen.

Non pushed a packet of sandwiches to them. "Eat your breakfast and there is also medicine in it for fever." He said looking at Becky. For a second, Freen could swear she saw something in him, something close to concern.

They dozed off again after finishing their sandwiches and Becky woke up feeling better and stronger. Freen was fast asleep on her side, legs curled to her chest and hands tucked under her cheek.  As she lay next to Freen she thinks back to their conversation, it was true what Freen said. A day ago Becky could swear she never wanted to see Freen again. But now, now all she want is Freen. Hold her tight and never let her go.

"You are staring." Freen's sudden voice startled Becky.

She shook her head, "And I thought you were asleep."

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