Chapter 40

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"Becky, you're scaring me. What is it?" Freen asks as panic rises through her.

Becky takes a few deep breaths to calm her nerves before speaking, "What do you know about your parents death?"

Freen's breath hitched, "My parents....? Why are you asking me about that now?"

"Freen...please just answer."

Freen frowns, "I already told you. They got into an accident, but it was too late and the doctors couldn't do anything."

"Do you know which hospital they were taken to?"

"Yes. Why else do you think I applied here out of all the other hospitals in Bangkok?"

Tears started falling, heavy and real on her cheeks as what little control she had left faded, "Freen, the doctors on call that day....the day your parents were bought here were my mum and dad."

"Wha--- What are you saying?" Freen asked her voice cracking.

"Haven't you ever wondered about my mum's behaviour towards you?"

A heavy pause filled the saturated air.

"Always. When I started here, she was the only one who helped me out. She went out of her way to make sure I settle in well. She..she treated me like a daughter. But..." Freen pauses looking at Becky as if only now she is processing what had been happening, "But the moment you introduced me as your girlfriend she flipped."

"The same happened with my dad. When he found out I was engaged he was happy until he heard your name. He recognised your last name and it was like a switch was flipped."

Freen's heart was pounding in her chest, not knowing what she is about to say, "Where are you going with this, Becky?"

"It wasn't too late Freen, your parents could've been saved or atleast your mother."

Becky's soft voice filtered through the pounding, striking home in Freen's heart. She took steps back in shock until her back hit the wall.

"Are trying to say what I think you are?" Freen choked out.

Silence was the reply as becky couldn't form answer.

"That your parents are the reason I lost mine. Did they make a fucking mistake?" Freen yelled which startled Becky.

A lump rose up in Becky's throat, and even after swallowing, it refused to shift. She couldn't utter another word.

"What the fuck, Becky? Answer me." The pain in her voice was so evident.

"Yes." Becky whispered, before breaking down into wrenching sobs that wracked her whole body. Everything around her blurred out, except for Freen.

Anger joined the grief, burning Freen from the inside out, "Yes what? What the hell happened?"

".........The Armstrong name it's both a curse and a blessing. You already know how much Saint hates me. And I'm sure he isn't the only one. There are probably many people here who says mean things behind my back........ wasn't any different back then. My parents went through the same. My dad was one of the best ER surgeons in the country. But there were people who hated that, who hated the legacy of our name, who were simply jealous....." Becky said through tears.

"...your parents were wheeled into their death that night when they were brought here, Freen. These people who were even willing to cross that line, they intentionally sabotaged the surgery so my parents would go down." She pauses looking at Freen.

"So yes, you lost yours because of mine..." Loud sobs shook Freen's body, tears streaming down her face even as she made an attempt to get a grip on her emotions.

"Freen..?" Becky tried to reach out, but as if her touch would burn Freen flinched away.

"Don't." Freen said, her tone sharpening.

"What happened after? Why didn't I know about this? Why didn't anyone?" Freen asked glaring at her.

"It was covered up by the hospital management."

She blinked back fresh tears, and forced herself to continue, "So what? Your parents went free?"

"Of course not. My dad took all the blame so he could spare my mum. His license was taken. He...he has never been the same after that. It broke my family...My mum...that's how my mum found comfort in her bestfriend and you can imagine how that went. I'm the living proof of that relationship....

Once I was born, dad almost found his way back but that all went down the drain when he found out that I wasn't his. He left.... I don't think I can blame him anymore..."

There was a lingering silence as neither of them made an attempt to break it.

"Who was it?" Freen asked harshly.

"What?" Becky softly asked, gazing at her.

"You said someone sabotaged the surgery. Who was it?" Freen hoarsely asks, roughly carding her fingers through her hair.

Becky shook her head, "I don't know. He didn't tell me."

"Freen...?" Becky tries to get her attention much to her dismay she couldn't. Freen didn't look at her, neither say anything.

"He was right. My father was right....My family ruined your life. He swore you would never wanna marry into such a family. I was dumb enough to believe that I would be enough." Becky chuckled humorlessly.

Freen clenched her hands, her grip threatening to spill her own blood, "I have to go." She bit out, an array of emotions flurrying across her face.

Those words sounded hollow, even to her ears.

Becky's heart broke at the blank expression on Freen's face, "Please...please don't punish me for something I had nothing to do with."

"Please...Freen.." Becky cried as she slumped into the floor.

Freen didn't spare her another glance as she walked away. Becky cried, not caring who listened. It’s not like anyone could do anything about it.

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