Chapter 7

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Ever since the visit to her mum, Becky has been on edge. She was trapped in her own head, always zoning out of conversations, easily irritated, and snapping at people for no apparent reason.

The change in Becky was noticed by almost everyone cause she used to be a ray of sunshine, now more of a dark cloud. When asked, she just shrugged it off, saying she's fine. Nothing is wrong.

After two days, she is back at the hospital. That should have been a relief, a change. But everything about the hospital only reminded her of her mother, which spoiled her mood much more.

She was now in the OR assisting Freen with surgery. She knew she wasn't feeling well enough to be in surgery. But when Freen told her to scrub in, she did without hesitation, hoping that this would finally keep her feelings at bay.

But what really happened was the opposite. She was already zoning out.

"Suction, please." Freen says, receiving no response from Becky.

Freen looks up from the surgical field and towards Becky to see her staring blankly into space.

"Dr. Armstrong?" She tries again.

"Becky!!!" Freen yells.

"Yes!! Yes!" Becky responds, coming out of the daze.

"Suction." Freen says with obvious anger.

Once she is out of the OR, Freen storms out to where Becky is.

"What the hell was that about?" She angrily asks, throwing her surgical hat on the floor in frustration.

"What?" Becky asks in almost a whisper, afraid of the way Freen is looking at her right now. A cold and distant look, and that terrifies her.

"OR is not a place for daydreaming. When you are in there, I want both your mind and body to be there." Freen says, looking at her straight in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." She says, averting her eyes and looking down.

"This is the second time, Becky."

"I know. I really am sorry." By now, everyone around them have picked up on the conversation. There were murmers and curious gazes.

"Your sorry doesn't save a patient. This is your last warning." Freen says in a more threatening way.

"I promise I won't do it again."

"You are done for the day." Freen spat.

"Wha--- you can't do that. Please don't do this, Dr. Chankimha."

Freen scoffs,

"Well, I'm. This will teach you to keep your feelings out of the OR."

"Freen, please. I can't afford not to do anything right now." Becky pleads.

"Go home, Becky. Do whatever you need to do, but figure yourself out. I don't want you back until you are ready. Go!!" Freen yells and leaves.

Becky stays frozen for a minute before she walks away from prying eyes.


"You are brooding. More than usual." Irin says, walking inside the locker room.

"I'm sure you have heard about it by now. So please spare me from repeating it." Becky says.

"I'm sorry. It's just that everyone is talking about it."

Becky's eyes widen in surprise,

"So the entire hospital knows?"

"Becky, they saw what happened in the OR and outside when she lashed out on you. People are talking about it."

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