Chapter 45

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Her head hurt. Her mind was groggy. And her neck was sore. Becky wanted to open her eyes but her eyelids were like lead, heavy and uncompromising. Her wrists were restrained and her hands were a little numb. Her left arm especially, presumably from lying on her side for too long.

Finally, with superhuman effort, she managed to open her eyes just a crack. Light pierced in, making her see stars. Shutting her eyes, she counted a few seconds before opening them again. As she tried to lift her head a piercing pain shot through her head, her restrained hands instinctively reached up to cup her head,  something sticky coated her fingers without a doubt it was blood.

"Shit!" She cursed.

"Easy there! You are bleeding." A familiar voice said.

Taking a few deep breaths, Becky tried to bring her mind back to alertness by darting her eyes around and she was shocked to see the person in front of her.

"Freen?" She squinted her eyes in question.

"Hi!!" Freen said with a cheeky smile. "I was getting worried, you weren't waking up."

"What the hell happened?" Becky asked, she could see that Freen was also restrained, covered in dirt like she had been in a fight, to her relief she couldn't see any visible injuries.

"I suppose we were taken by someone." She shrugs, "I have no idea who."

"Fuck! You were there weren't you? They came for me. Why did you have to play hero everytime?" Becky says in frustration, the pain in her head didn't make things easier either.

"What was I supposed to do? Let them take you?"

"You should've called someone for help."

"I was calling the police but then I saw this huge guy and he was going to hit you, okay? And I saw red. I wasn't thinking. I acted."

"And got yourself captured too. Real genius of you, Freen." Becky rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry for wanting to protect you." Freen scoffed.

After a moment of silence becky asked, "Did the call even go through?"

"I think so. In the rush, I dropped the phone. "

Another moment of silence ensues, the tension was palpable until Becky speaks again. "Did you recognize them?"

"No. Did you?"

Becky frowns, "If I did, I wouldn't be asking you."

"Are you sure?"

"What? You don't trust me now?" Becky huffed in annoyance.

"No it's not that. When I got there and you weren't alone, I stopped to see what was going on. There was two other guys and it kind of looked like you were talking."

"I...." Becky starts but pauses, "I don't remember." She finally said.

Freen could see that Becky was hiding something, "Alright." She sighs.

"Can you do something for me?" Freen asks.

"Seriously?" Becky found it hard to ignore the question, seeing the adorable puppy eyes Freen was giving her.

"Please! Can you try to scoot closer to me somehow, I want to look at your head, make sure..."Becky cuts her off, "I can do that myself. I'm a doctor too if you can't recall....I thought I was the one who got hit in the head."

"Fine." Freen scoffs.

She patiently waits looking over Becky who was trying to feel the wound in the back of her head. The look on her face indicated how much pain Becky was in, it did little to ease Freen's worry.

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