Chapter 22

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“Hey. Um, I know I told you I would call, but I figured I would just...come here.”

Becky just stares at her unable to say anything for a few seconds, then she pulls herself out of her thoughts.

“Right. wanted to talk.”

“Is this a bad time?”

Kind of always.

“Oh no. We can” She steps outside and closes the door behind her, wrapping her arms around herself nervously, but mostly for the breeze that made her skin shiver.

After a few minutes of awkward silence and both of them just standing there, Jane decided to speak.

“Look, I know that you probably regret what happened last night, but I don’t. I mean, I know I hurt you in the past-“

“Multiple times.” Becky adds.

“Right.” Jane scoffs a nervous chuckle. “But I also know that I haven’t loved anyone after you, Becbec. And to me, that counts for something.”

Becky frowns and shakes her head in confusion. “Okay, what are you trying to say?”

Jane steps towards her and takes Becky's hand by surprise. Becky looks at her with eyes wide open, not really sure about where this is going.“Let’s try again.”

Becky laughs nervously and pulls away. “All right, um, look Jane...I just got out of something really messy and I don’t think I can do this right now.”

“So you’re telling me last night was just a coincidence to you?” She walks closer again. “What if it’s the world’s way to tell you that you should give us another chance?”

Becky closes her eyes trying not to let the words get in, refusing to even consider on the possibility of that happening. She still wasn’t over Freen. Hell, she doesn’t know if she’ll ever get over her. Maybe that sounds dramatic, but it is how it is. She’s not ready for this.

“I’m sorry, Jane...”

Suddenly Jane's lips are on hers, her hands are on her hips, bringing their bodies closer together, and Becky doesn’t know how to react for a moment, but then she pulls away.

“What..what are you doing?” She says out of breath.

“If you want it to be a distraction, I can be just a distraction.” Jane asks staring intensively into her eyes.

Becky freezes again. Then her mind goes blank.


“Okay Bec, you don’t fall in bed with your ex a second time by accident.” Irin says slamming the locker.

“Look, Freen hates me, okay? And I have to get over her. We would’ve never worked and you know it.”

“And you think getting back with your cheating ex is the solution to all your problems?”

“She just needs a distraction, Rin. If Jane is not the one, she’ll know when the time is right.” Billy says.

“Okay, guys, I’m not back with Jane.”

“Oh no, you just had sex twice with her.” Irin says sarcastically.

“And she’s coming over tonight.” Billy states.

Irin gives Becky a pointed look.

“Okay fine! I don’t know what I’m doing! But you know what I know? That Freen and I don’t stand a chance. It’s just too complicated. It will never be the right time for us, so be it.” She defends herself.

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