Chapter 10

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Becky walks towards the exit to finally go home after an exhausting day. It was a long day and unlike Freen promised she couldn't make time for their date. Neither of them could. She’s crossing the parking lot when Billy catches her outside.

“Hey, Bec!”

“Hey. What are you doing here?”

“Um, I’m done in thirty minutes. Would you..I don’t know, want to go grab a drink later?”

“Oh.” Becky pauses to think of a good excuse. “I really don’t feel like drinking tonight Billy, sorry.”

He tries to hide the disappointment and nods in understanding. “No uh it’s okay. I get it. Then I guess I’ll see you home?”

Becky smiles softly. “Yeah, if I don’t collapse first.” She chuckles.

She walks towards the parking lot while Billy goes back inside. Just as she arrives to her car, she sees Freen leaning with her back against it, a bottle in her hand and that soft -beautiful- smile on her face. Becky instantly feels lighter.“What’s this?”

“I think I have something to make up for.” Freen smirks.

Becky's smile grows wider. “Oh yeah? So you’re not hurt I called you a bitch when you cancelled on me?”

“Well, did you mean it?” Freen asks walking towards her, while holding the bottle to her chest.

“Of course I did.” Becky joked.

“Then you have something to make up for too.”

“Yeah- I don’t think it works that way.”

Freen keeps smiling and walks even closer, finally facing the brunette a few inches from her nose.

“It works that way with me.” She whispers while glancing at Becky's lips, trying hard not to just lean in and close the distance between them.

“Then I guess we have to find a way that works for both of us.” Becky whispers too, their noses brushing together.

“I guess so.”

But before their lips could connect, Becky grabs the bottle from Freen and runs to her car. Freen chuckles and follows her.


If anyone told her that sleeping is overrated, Becky would tell them to try and be a surgical intern for a month. It feels like having two jobs at the same time. No free time. During her free time, she’s usually eating and talking about her job. So what’s her life about now? Revolved around patients and the OR? Apparently.

Mornings is the moment she hates her job the most, but once she’s in action, she forgets all about that. It’s her and her world. And she’s thrilled to be a part of it.

She stretches her arm to shut off the alarm and she’s instantly captured in a hug from her back. She melts into it, feeling the warmth of the naked body pressed against her own, and sighs content.“Freen? You have to go.” Becky mumbles still half asleep.

Freen only brings herself closer to the girl, hiding her face in the crook of Becky's neck, placing sweet and wet kisses.

“I don’t want to go.” She whispers. “What time is it?”

“I don’t know. I shut it off with my eyes closed.” Becky says and turns around to face the other girl.

Freen chuckles and keeps holding her, while she lets her leg slip between Becky's to intertwine their bodies together.

“We really have to go. It’s 5:30. I have pre-rounds and no one here can see you.”

“You said you didn’t know what time was.” Freen says disappointed with a pout on her face. Becky leans in to kiss it away, starting a heated make out session she probably shouldn’t have. Both of them start crawling against each other. Becky rolls on top of her and places her hand on Freen's chest, running her fingers all the way down between her legs, caressing her inner thigh.

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