Chapter 8

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Sometimes it felt like a long time; other times it felt like almost nothing. The last time she talked with her mum was so long ago. And like all the other times, it was also a disaster.

"Becky?" Her mother called as soon as she entered her hospital room.

"Hi Mum!" She gave her an awkward smile.

"Not that I'm complaining but this is a surprise."

"The feeling is mutual." The brown eyed girl scoffed.

"If you didn't want to, then why are you here, honey?"

Becky hesitated for a moment before speaking up,

"Because someone told me that I have to figure myself out. And unless I do that I can't concentrate on my work."

She shook her head not wanting to prolong this any longer.

"Let's not waste time with chitchat. You know why I'm here. And I know you have answers. So it's better if you start talking." She finishes.

"What do you want to know?" Her mother asked.

"Everything! Your absence. Your silly excuses. Is that all because I wasn't good enough to be your daughter?" Becky said outraged.

"Becky.." Her mother started saying.

"Don't bother comforting me. Just say what is there to say. We haven't got all day." Becky looked even more outraged.

After a pause her mother asked,

"Do you remember when your dad left?"

"Vaguely. I was three or four back then. Why?"

"Why do you think he left?"

"Maybe you pulled the same crap with him. Avoided him while obsessing over your job." The burnette said sarcastically.

"No Becky. He didn't leave because of that. He left because of you."

Her eyes widen in surprise,


"You became a constant reminder of my mistake to him. And he reached a point where he couldn't look you in the eyes and pretend everything was fine." She said guilt evident in her voice.

"What are you talking about?" She asked narrowing her eyebrows.

"He is not your dad, Becky."

Eyes widened in alarm, she stood unblinking, trying to process what had just been told.

"I was really drunk..." Her mother began but was cut off by a furious Becky.

"Please say no more." She scoffed.

"Becky once he left, I felt so guilty. I broke down. I could neither love you nor leave you. I shut myself off from you. Once you decided to leave, I didn't stop you either."

She stood there unblinking, questioning everything she thought she knew, even herself.

"I'm suffering this fate because of my actions. I deserve this."

Her temper sparked, her fury sprang to life.

"Don't you dare make yourself the victim here. You had twenty-three years to tell me the truth. Not even once you looked me in the eye and told me the real reason. How can you even call yourself a mother?" Anger shot through her and she knew she needed to leave before she says something she will regret.

"Becky... Becky...wait!" Her mother tried to stop her.

She turned to look at her mother for a moment,

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