Chapter 6

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As Irin and the interns walk into the locker room, she sees Becky leaning against the wall, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"What the hell happened to you?" Irin asked.

"Had to pull a forty eight hour shift."

"Without any sleep?"

"Yep. I might as well be a mummy now." Becky says sarcastically.

"Oh! You definitely are a mommy." It was Billy with his usual smirk.

"I'm gonna kill him. One of these days, I really am gonna kill him." Becky said, shaking her head.

"Come on! It's just some harmless flirting ."

"It is harmless when it is not directed at you." Becky said, pointing at her.

"You do look fine, Becky." William said, smiling at her.

"Thanks, William." She said, returning the smile.

"Oh. My. God! That's it."

"What?" Becky asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"That right there is the answer to your problems."

"Who? William?"

"You have been pulling all sorts of crap these days. It is clear that you are sexually frustrated. Maybe you just need to get laid."

Becky frowns. "Huh?!..I definitely am not sexually frustrated. And I don't need to get laid."

"Just look at him. He's cute, handsome, a good guy, and he's not Dr. Chankimha. Doesn't that tick all your boxes?"

"I'm not even gonna dignify that with an answer. Can you please go change so that I can finally go home?"

Just then, Dr. Nam came into the locker room.

"Listen up, everyone!"

"I see you all are getting ready to leave, but" She couldn't even finish because there were collective groans and murmers among the interns, clearly not happy about having more work.

"OK. Alright. Alright... I'm just kidding. Actually we are throwing a party for the Chief. Sort of a farewell. And guess what? You all are invited."

"This is the worst timing. Can I just go home?" Becky asked. She shakes her head, clearly not wanting to spend another minute out of bed.

"All the attendings are going to be there. You can't possibly skip it." Irin replied.

"Of course she can. Unlike us, she doesn't have to try and get on their good side to do well."

Becky furrows her eyebrows as her eyes glance up, seeing one of the interns.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Come on, Armstrong! We all have eyes."

"And what did you see with this so-called eyes of yours, Saint?" Now Becky was face to face with him.

"You have been to the OR more times than any of us here. You have already gotten opportunities that some of us can't even dream of. Not to mention, once Nita leaves, you don't have to worry about a thing. Cause the next two in line, to one you already share a last name, and you sure are on your way to share the second."

She scoffs lightly,

"What are you trying to say?"

"Everyone already knows there's something going on between you and Dr. Chankimha."

Becky squints in shock.

"What did you just say?" Becky says, narrowing her eyes and getting closer.

"What? The truth stings?" He says, getting even closer.

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