Chapter 28

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3 months later

People have scars. In all sorts of unexpected places. Like secret roadmaps of their personal histories. Diagrams of all their old wounds.

Most of our wounds heal, leaving nothing behind but a scar. But some of them don't. Not really. We carry some wounds with us everywhere and though the cut is long gone, the pain still lingers.

We hope that eventually our life will turn out to be okay. We grow up. Eventually, we understand how this thing called life works. It gets better.

It has to, right?

"First she was only chief of neuro, now she's the chief's of everything for five minutes and you suddenly get a solo surgery?!" Irin asks.

Becky rolls her eyes and places the chart on the nurses desk. "You're just jealous."

Irin feigns to be offended. "Me? I am beating all of you suckers in the O.R. and today I will show the new cardio surgeon how good I am. I'm going to be the next chief of cardio within two years."

Becky smiles widely. "I bet she's a bitch and will make your life miserable."

"Nothing scares me anymore."

Becky chuckles, then Irin walks away while leaving Becky standing there.

At the same time, Freen walks up to her with a warm smile and Becky instantly surrounds the girl's neck with her arms and brings her in for a kiss.

"Good morning chief." She says seductively, causing Freen to chuckle softly.

"We saw each other this morning."

"I know, but it was just us this morning. Now I'm kissing my girlfriend-the chief. I get never tired of calling you that. It sounds nice, doesn't it?"

Freen chuckles. "If you say it, yes."

"You make the rules now. I could take you right here if I wanted to, right?"

Freen keeps smiling in amusement, but then takes Becky's hands off of her. "Sure, if you want me to lose the chief title and you your internship."

Becky chuckles and pulls a strand of hair behind Freen's ear. "Seriously though, how are you handling this?"

"I'm fine, really. I'm not ready to get back in the O.R. yet and I won't rush into things and risk everything, so this is good for now."

"Good, that's good." Becky presses gently her hands on Freen's chest, while the girl holds her close. Freen studies her silently for a moment.

"Did you talk to the therapist today?"

"Oh, yeah, um...I should be going now, actually."

Freen brings a finger under Becky's chin to make the brunette look at her. She looks at her with tenderness and places a soft kiss on her pouted lips.

"You're doing great baby. And I know you'll kick that appendix ass today by yourself. You are way more good than I am."

Becky rolls her eyes and scoffs a laugh. "You don't have to be a kiss ass, I'm your girlfriend. You already have all of me."

Freen laughs and nods in understanding.

Becky gets lost in those brown orbs for a moment, "Oh, I almost forgot. I have to tell you something..."

"Well, hello stranger."

When Freen turns to her side she sees this curly haired brunette, glancing at her inquisitively, while Becky seems strangely happy to see her.

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