Chapter 33

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When Becky comes home and walks into her room, she’s surprised to see Freen already laying on her side of the bed under the covers. She’s initially focused on reading something, but as she sees Becky, her face lights up in a cheerful smile.

“Hi baby.”

“You’re the baby.” Becky replies with a stern tone.

“Damn, you’re tired, okay.” Freen says, putting the magazine on the nightstand.

Becky takes off her shoes and jumps in the middle of the bed, letting out a tired sigh. She keeps her eyes closed for a moment, then she glances at Freen, who is silently staring at her with a soft smile.


“Freen, you should move in with me.” Becky tells her.

Freen instantly smiles. “Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. And to be honest, you are already living here, let’s make it permanent and official.”

“Ohw, that was because I jumped infront of a gun for you.” She says in a sweet voice.

Becky instantly points a finger at her with a serious face.

“That’s not nice. I forbid you to jump in front of anything from now on.”

Freen frowns and then rolls her eyes. “You’re always forbidding me things.” She protests.

Truth is, yes. Becky tends to do that a lot. It’s probably weird the fact that she sees Freen like her superhero but also a child at the same time. Maybe because her being instinctive seems a lot more like recklessness to Becky.

Essentially, Freen is a baby.

“You should stop treating me like a baby.” Freen whines.

Becky's eyes widens in shock.

Freen smirks. “Yeah, I can read your mind now. New superpower.”

Becky shot her a glare.

“Yes, I’ll move in with you.” Freen says.

Becky stops and stares at her with a soft smile.

“Infact I will move in tomorrow. You know what that means?”

Becky looks thoughtful for a moment. “That you won’t sleep on that side of the bed for sure, because it’s mine.”

“Hey! I was warming it up for you for when you came back.” Freen says with a sad pout.

Becky smiles widely, thinking at how thoughtful and cheesy that was. “You were?”

“Oh don’t look so shocked, who do you think stocked up your stand of bath candles?”

Becky sits up and looks at Freen with her mouth half open. “You...”

“And I also picked those plants you liked so much when we walked by the florist last week.” She says pointing at the shelf near the window.

Becky hadn’t even noticed them. Freen probably always does things like this without her even noticing.

“And, last but not least-“ She turns around to open Becky's nightstand drawer and picks up something, then she faces Becky again, holding what seemed a ring box in her hand.

Becky instantly snaps back and looks at Freen in shock. “Freen Sarocha, you’re not...”Freen chuckles and stops her before Becky can put the phrase together. “I’m not, Jesus. At least now I know how you feel about me eventually proposing.”

Becky lets out a small sigh and shakes her head. She actually wouldn’t feel bad about that at all, but doing it now would’ve been totally unexpected, considering they were just starting to live together.

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