🔞1. The college teacher

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*Ishan's POV*

"Thanks Professor" I said looking up at my English teacher. He was new and already my favourite. His style of teaching was different than any other person. He brought joy and life to the classroom. I was like the 5 year old kid in this bunch of 21 year olds.

It wasn't easy to leave my family and come here to study in London, but I soon had to get used to it. I had a few amazing friends and teachers here were pretty cool too.
Except a few. My History teacher, who's about 20 years older than me is always tries to hit on me.
"Do you like ice-creams Ishan?"
"Yeah why?"
"Why don't we go ou-"
I sprinted faster than a cheetah, already feeling uncomfortable with his gaze on me.
And this, is just a small flashback from the past Tuesday.

"You're welcome, Ishan. If you have any doubts, you're free to ask me. I'm always in my room till about 4, so you're welcome anytime"
"Okay, Mr.Gill. Thank you"

Something about Mr. Gill was different. He always felt like someone I could trust. I always looked forward to my English lectures. He's handsome too, always wearing floral shirts and black jeans and that pearl necklace always in his neck just makes it more appealing. Half the school had a crush on him, boys, girls, everyone. But I guess I'm just immune to his charm. 🤷🏻‍♂️

*Shubman's POV*

It wasn't anything new for a 28 year old, 6-foot-tall handsome looking guy to be a college teacher, except, I was gay, well closeted.

I ended my last lecture for today and my favorite student, Ishan thanked me. It was always fun and different to be teaching him.
Unlike the others, he was always keen to learn. He always had this smile on his face which made the room light up and I couldn't help but smile throughout the lecture too, feeling a strange positive vibe flowing inside me. Sunshine. Uh what? Shub, he's your student, shut up.

I smiled at him, welcoming him to ask me any doubt he has, just like a good teacher does. Nothing suspicious.
I returned to my room, organizing some files and planning out a few of my lectures.
"Mr. Gill, why don't you join us for lunch."
"Yes Ms. Geeta, I'll be there in a few"

Another Indian teacher, Ms.Geeta. Though she is a really sweet lady, I usually feel uncomfortable around her these days because of the growing amount of her flirting in vain.
"Have you seen that boy, Ishan. Man, I wish how he'd look under me, when I'd touch him and he's be screaming under....." The history teacher spoke, and kept on talking about Ishan. HOW COULD HE!
I could feel my fists tightening and veins on my neck popping. Something inside me was burning at the thought of him touching that little pocket sized goofball. His smile, his eyes, his voice everything started to fill my head.
What even is happening to me?

"Mr.Gill? Are you okay? You seem a little ... bothered?" A voice said.
"*clears throat* Yes, Ms.Geeta, I'm fine. Just a little tensed due to some personal reasons"
"Okay, Mr.Gill. Take care." She said and smiled, a little too wide.
I mentally shuddered. What's up with women hitting on me so much.

I started to walk towards my car, when I remembered I had forgotten my register in room 308. (The last class I was teaching Ishan). I facepalmed and started to hurry towards the class.
I bumped into someone. Rachin. One of the student's in Ishan's batch.
"Sorry, Mr.Gill"
"it's okay"
I said and went inside the classroom. My eyes were fixed on the desk, locating my register, which I did.
I walked towards it, picking it and dusting the non-existent dust off it.
"*phew* thank god it-" I heard a sob in the quiet room, that's when I looked towards my front. Red eyes, gone smile, teared cheeks, none other than Ishan. My sunshine.
It hurt me to see him like this.

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