🍭13. (P4) Loving my arranged Husband

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*Shubman's POV*

And just then Bhaiya and Jiju tore us apart.

Ishan was crying like crazy and I was trying not to cry as Jiju pulled me back into the van. He cried and sobbed loudly in bhaiya's shoulder.
"Shubi... Don't go, Shubi"

The driver started the van and I had to leave my Darling behind.
I will come back, Ishu. I promise.

A few minutes passed and I didn't realise that I'd been crying too.
"Ma- Ma.. Ma vapis chalo please, Ma.. Shubi's crying, please Ma" Di said.
"Wh- Shubi, Kya hogya?"
"I want to go to Ishu, Ma"
I said in a sob, tears started streaming non-stop.

"The last thing I'd now remember is I left my Ishu crying.. please don't do this, Ma... It's not even been tw-two days and I'm so attached to him... I love him, Ma... Please take me back to him.. He- He's crying, Ma"

She looked between both Di and I. Didi was trying to help me, rub my back and wipe my tears.
Ma finally agreed but only for 5 minutes and asked the driver to turn around.

We again reached Ishu's home and I ran away so fast from the van. I saw him still in Bhaiya's hold, crying so much.

"Shubi? Is Shubi back?"
"Ishu... I- Don't cry.. please don't cry. I'll have to leave, Ishu... But please don't cry.. If you cry.. I- I won't be able to live with myself-"
"No! No Shubi.. look, I won't cry... I-I won't-..." He said wiping his tears and bit on his lips to stop the cries.

I hugged him tightly.
"I'll come back soon, Darling, I promise.. I'll be there. Don't cry, please. Always keep smiling like in your photos, Jaan. I'll come back and Marry you and make you mine. I promise."

I rubbed his back and we stayed like that for a few minutes. 
"Ishu... can I go now, please Jaan?.. Ishu?"

I felt his grip around me loosen. "Darling?"
I broke the hug, only to find him asleep in my arms. I cooed at him lightly.
"He's asleep"
"Must be tired, my Kishmish... it's okay, Shubman.. you guys leave, I'll take him back"
"He'll be so sad when he'll get to know"
"He won't be.. You can go, Shubman.. We'll take care of him.. A few more days... Then he'll be yours"

I smiled at Raj bhaiya and then left with the others. Of course it wasn't easy, but I had to. 

We got back on our private plane and then arrived back to Punjab. 
I tried sleeping back in my room but the bed felt like needles. Not even one night and I can't sleep without him already.

I finally decided to sleep on the floor again, hugging my pillow as if it was Ishan. 

I woke up to my alarm and it was only 6 am. After completing my daily routine, I went to my office. Di and Jiju were leaving too and Mumma and Papa were tired from all the traveling. 
I did not even realise and it was 10 am already. I took my phone out, excited and called Ishan. 

"Shubi! How did you know! I jussssst woke up!"
"I know you loveee to sleep till late, don't you?"
"Mhm.. But I miss you.. I wish you were here"
"I'm currently at my office, Darling, Do you want to have a look around?"

And so I started showing him everywhere. I showed him  my room, then the corridors, went to a few other rooms where people were greeting me and all but I was only talking to my Ishu.

"Shubi.. Look everyone's greeting you.. why aren't you saying it back? Bad boy"
"Huh- No! What? I- Good morning, everyone... See, I greeted them. I'm not a bad boy now, right, Ishu?"
He and a few others giggled. 
"Not at all, Shubi. My good boy"

I smiled at him and continued the tour, greeting whoever was greeting me.
After showing him around a little on the call, I met my PA on the way.

"Uhm... Excuse me sir..."
"Not now, Ms. Alice.. I'm a little busy"
"Oh.. I'm sorry-"
"Shubi! Don't you ever listen to me? I told you, focus on your employees... Talk to her.. she has something important to tell you. Why are you ignoring her?"
"I'm sorry, Jaan... Yes, Ms. Alice?"
"Sir.. actually your mother has sent lunch for you... I kept it in your room, but you were not there so I came to inform you"
"See? Now say thank you, and have your lunch, Shubi... And call Mumma and thank her too"
"Whatever you say, Jaan. Thank you Ms. Alice... Can you please connect Ma on the line? I'll talk to her from my room"
"Yes, Sir"

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