🍭13. (P2) Loving my arranged Husband

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*Ishan's POV*

"Ab to uth jao, Jaan"

No no no no no it can't be... Is this really the Shubman Gill?
I pinched myself and screamed a little at the pain.
This was real.

I removed the blanket from over my head.
I moved a finger forward in his direction and touched him on his cheek.
"No way..."
"Yes way"
"Wh- why are you here?"
"You don't know?"
"I'm your to-be-husband, Ishan"

Say what?!
"M-my husband- YOU'RE THE ONE?"
"Yes, Ishu"
"I- what-No- no- no no no no no no... How- You're - No wait.. it can't be"
"Why, Ishu? A-are you not okay with marrying a boy-"
"No! No not like that... How can the Shubman Gill be in my room... And that too claiming to be my to-be-husband... I know this is a prank... It can't be you.. Bhaiya I swear if you're lying-"

He laughed and held both my hands.
"I promise it's not a prank.. if it is, then I give you my permission to hit me as much as you want with your soft, cotton hands"

I blushed deep red. His dimples are so cute.
"But- you're You.. I'm just-"
"No. Don't say anything like that. If you say even a thing wrong... I swear I won't accept anything against my father-in-law.. you're just beautiful, Ishan.. nothing less. Only more. So much more"

I looked at him. He was serious...
"Did anyone force you for this marriage?"
"No, Ishan.. why? My parents have my full consent for this... I'm the one who said yes... The first time I looked at your photo, I was sure that I'd marry you if I had the chance... But your consent is as important, Ishan..."
"I- I want to see my Ma"
"Of course.. let's go downstairs.."
"No wait.. I haven't even bathed... You can leave right now..."
"Why leave? Won't I be a bad son-in-law if I came back without my Husband?"
"O-okay... Then you can stay.. I guess..."
"Thank you, Jaan..."

My heart melted at the name and I somehow got myself to stand up. I straight away ran to the bathroom that was attached to my room.

I brushed my teeth, took a very quick shower and dried my little grown out hair.
I looked everywhere for my clothes but couldn't find them.

My heart dropped to the ground and back again. What will I do now?

"Ishu? Is everything okay? It's been 30 minutes, Darling... I mean I don't mind..  but .. uh.. just.. you're fine.. right?"
"Um.. Shubman..."
"Yes, Ishu?"
"I- I um.. forgot to take my clothes... C-can you.. help me?"
"With what, Darling?"
"They're in the cupboard..."
"Which one?"
"The um- corner right one"
"Got it... What do you want to wear, Darling?"
"Um... Just whatever is on the top.."

I waited for a mere second and heard the door knock.
I opened it slightly, extending just my hand through the gap.

He handed me a pair of boxers.
"Where's the rest of the- Nevermind.. I'll get them myself... Close your eyes, Shubman. Please"

"My eyes are closed, Darling"

I first checked if he was telling the truth, which he was. I quickly wrapped my towel around me, that covered only my lower area and tip-toed to my cupboard.

I started to take out my clothes when I felt a hand around my waist.
"Wh- I told you not to look-"
"I'm not looking, Jaan. My eyes are still closed."

I turned around to see they were indeed closed.
"I can already tell you're beautiful.. why hide it?"
"I- thank you"
"Welcome, Darling... Are you ready yet? Everyone's waiting downstairs"
"Y-you-ve- your arm..." I said, stuttering like mad because of the blush and adrenaline.

"Oh.. sorry, Jaan... Get ready like you want to.. take your time.. I promise I won't look till you ask me to"
I blushed at his humble nature.. wearing my clothes quickly and setting my hair.

Ishman | one shots♡| Top Shubman💙Where stories live. Discover now