🍭10- Coffee for two

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*Shubman's POV*

I got up to the same alarm I do every day, following the same routine. Brush my teeth, bath, breakfast, and straight to work.

I work in a cafe, and well, it's not like I don't like my job, I sometimes wish I had someone to share a coffee with too. You know, looking at couples each day being all cute and fluffy, I wish I had someone too.
But of course, when is life ever easy?
Number. 1- I'm gay
Number. 2- No one knows it

So I might have just minimised my own chances of getting myself a partner.

Well, anyways, I took my apron, wore my name badge and went to my desk, where I bill the orders.

"Morning, Shub"
"Morning, Abhi, how's Mayank?"
"Good.." He blushed at his mention
"Did you guys do something last night, eh?"
"Ayy.. congratulations, man. First time hm?"

He nodded.
"Aww so cute... So, were you the bottom-"
"OMG! Stop, Shubman!.." He blushed, deep red. "and yes"

I laughed and he hid his face a little.
"What about you? Got someone's eye yet? Any lucky guy?"

Yes, Abhishek is my best friend and he is the only one who knows about my secret.
"ugh, no. You know it. No one yet! "
"You'll definitely find someone soon, Shub. After all, you're so charming and handsome. Aakhir best friend kiska hai"

We both laughed and then customers slowly started filling in.
After a few hours of greeting, taking orders and making endless amount of receipts, I asked Abhi to switch places with me for sometime.

Now, I was supposed to hand over the coffees to the customers and also get their name right and write it on their cups. That task always seemed fun to me.

Don't tell anyone, but sometimes we purposely spell the names wrong to have a little fun and the customers enjoy it too.

Soon, the windchimes chimed once again, making me look up at the door.
There, I saw the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my entire life. Eyelashes so thick, eyes like bambi, lips so puffed, hair perfectly set, a beautiful chain in his neck, golden earrings, and was looking down in his phone.
He finally approached me.

He's so short. Awww

"Um.. hello?" I realized I'd been staring, lost in my thoughts.
"Hi.. uh, good morning. I'm sorry, may I take your order?"

He smiled this time and my heart instantly filled with joy.
"Coffee for two, please"
"Sure.. names?"
"Ishan... and Shubman"

Huh, Shubman? Another Shubman? And that too with this boy? Me? Jealous? OF COURSE YES.

Less than a minute later, I got two cups and wrote their respective names. Whoever this other Shubman is better watch out.

I handed him the cups and he accepted them with a smile, going to sit at one of the tables, facing me. I could clearly see him the whole time and well, I couldn't stop staring.
He sat there for a few minutes alone and I was obviously waiting for that other Shubman to join him. But no one did.

He stood up, and threw both the cups in the bin and went away.

The next day, he came at the cafe again, I was, fortunately at the same spot.
"Coffee for two, please"
he said again.

Seated on the same seat, alone, with two coffees. He drank the one with his name, probably, and threw the other away. Without even touching it.
This continued for over a week.

He'd come at the cafe daily, at the same time, ask for the same order and repeat the same names, and throw the other coffee away.

Who is this other Shubman? And what is wrong with him? Is he so dumb to keep a beauty like him waiting?

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