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FOR DECADES, STORIES HAVE BEEN TOLD ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THE NATIONS. There was once a time of peace, where all four nations lived in harmony

Or so my father says

But that was nearly 100 years ago, ever since the fire nation attacked. Some people believe the avatar was a air bender which is why the fire nation wiped out the once southern air temple full of air nomads

They say, the avatar can bend all four elements and is the only one who can stop the fire nation. My father and many others suspect the avatar hadn't been reborn, after the disappearance of the last avatar.

But I haven't lost hope.


I walked into the tent with the other pupils following behind me. We had just begun our healing lesson with Master Yagoda. All of us sat in a circle and in the middle was a practice dummy with the anatomy of the human body. In the tribe, when you hit a certain age- you can either choose to be a warrior, a healer or a water bender warrior. If you're a male, you get those two warrior options, but if you're female it's only the one option. Which isn't fair, I get that it's a tradition and a tribe custom but wouldn't it be better for anyone who can water bend to learn how to fight?

Yue just tells me to follow the rules, it'll make dad proud. Easy for her to say, she'll be the next heir to the throne.

After my lesson, I headed out to watch the water benders learn from master Pakku. I may not be able to water bend, but at least I can watch them. I hid behind a iglu as I closely watched from behind it

"You know I can see you Kaila ," a familiar voice said,  startled I turned around to see my good friend kaine

"You scared me Kaine." I say with relief as I nudge him. He laughs, "sorry, why are you out here stalking the water benders?"

"I'm curious," I shrug, looking back at all the water bending being taught behind us

"Yknow you'll get introuble if they see you watching them like that."

"It's not fair," I groan, "I just don't understand why I can't learn to be a water bender. What's the harm in me learning?"

He chuckles, " why don't you ask your father that?" I shake my head, " he'll just say it's tradition and water tribe customs and blah blah blah."

Kaine begins to laugh at my attempt to mimic my father, " why do you even want to learn? Is the royal life not good enough?"

"no, most of that responsibility will go to my sister Yue. I want to be more than just a water healer, I want to be able to do more for our people. Like be able to fight, what if the fire nation comes to attack us? I would want to be more than ready."

Kaine raises his brow, "the fire nation? Pffft I highly doubt they would come and attack. So you wouldn't need to fight. And plus, we have one of the best water benders and warriors so I think you'll be fine."

" you wouldn't get it." I mumble, I didn't even bother trying to explain to kaine why this bothered me so much. And who knows, the fire nation is unpredictable and ruthless. I believe we have to be prepared for that more than anything.

Yue always says to put our people first over everything, and I think I know what I can do to make that work

Once I headed back to the palace, Yue and father were waiting at the dinner table. Maybe if I talked to father about letting me water bend, I'd finally have a chance to learn.

"So how was your first lesson with Yogada?" Yue asked, sparking up a conversation

"It went great, I learned a lot today. She was really nice too. Although, she thinks me and Kaine are together which is really funny to me. So I had to clear that up for her." I say, making Yue giggle. Father looked at me with a smile as he drank from his cup

"Kaine is a good boy, and I heard he is becoming a fine warrior. You should consider him to be a potential partner." Father added, leaving me baffled.

"What?! Never in a million years father. Me and kaine are just friends." I say, Yue only chuckles at my flustered expression

"Right, I guess you haven't reached the age to betroth yet. Unlike Yue.." Father says, turning to Yue who sulks in her seat

"I have been in the talks for you to get engaged with someone sometime next year, he's a fine warrior and I think he'd make a great husband for you Yue." He says, I could tell Yue didn't agree to these terms. It's a custom water tribe tradition to have an arranged marriage by the time you turn sixteen. Yue turns sixteen next year, and I still have four more years until that. I'm not sure why it's a thing, I guess to keep the bloodline strong. Especially for our sake, since we are of royal blood. I feel bad for Yue, and I'm scared for when it's my turn to marry.

I guess I wouldn't mind getting married to Kaine, but it's definitely not what I envisioned for myself.

It's now or never Kaila

"Father.." I began, " I wanted to ask you something."

My father looked up at me attentively, "yes Kaila, what is it?"

"I wanted to ask if you could let me learn how to water bend. I know I have what it takes, and wouldn't it be wiser to have more water benders who can fight? I've had a lot of thought on how I could give back to my people, and this is what I want to do. Protect my people."

Once those words came out of my mouth, my father's expression faded into anger. Yue gave me a wide eyed look, like she's seen a ghost

"What kind of nonsense Kaila ?" Father began with a furious tone, " yknow it is not ladylike to fight— let alone water bend!"

"But father— I know I can fight. What's the harm in trying?"

"I said no! Enough about this water bending nonsense." He yelled from across the table leaving me quiet

I said nothing back, I didn't want to upset him even more. And after that day, I never asked to water bend again

Yes there will be a bit of backstory, just enough to get through the siege of the north arc and to really understand Kaila. I promise it won't be slow paced so bare with me guys

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