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WE HAD MADE IT TO BAH SING SE, thankfully in one piece, after enduring so much to get there

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WE HAD MADE IT TO BAH SING SE, thankfully in one piece, after enduring so much to get there. We even lost Appa along the way. I had never seen a side of Aang be so distraught and angry about loosing his bison.

Eventually we had him back, which was a great thing since without Appa we would practically get no where in this journey.

The boys had left Bah sing se, Sokka had plans to meet with his father again while Aang was going to go to meet with this spiritual Guru

Toph even, had received a letter from her parents. So she decided to go meet up with them to talk, I think it's great that she wants to seek out communication with them, even if they disowned her in a way. I had to reassure Toph, because I knew what that felt like

So now it was just me and Katara, we had been in a meeting with the earth kingdom generals to discuss tactics and battle plans to take down the fire nation before Sozins comet

"Will serve as the launching point for the attack," General fong explained, he had been sat across from a lay out of the entire nations map, "in exactly two months, the army and navy will invade the fire nation on the day of the black sun."

Suddenly, Momo jumped into the display of the map, destroying the display. Katara laughed, "or we could send in momo to do the same damage."

I snicker, " The fire lord has nothing on momo."

The generals did not find the joke amusing, as they waited for me and Katara to basically shut up

"All we need is the earth kingdoms seal," he began again, "in order to execute the plan."

He took out the seal and earth bended its way to reach Katara from across the table. She took the scroll as we both stood up from our seats.

"We'll get these scrolls to him right away." Katara informed, I bowed in respect. " thank you, General How." I thanked

We had made our way out of the war room of the earth kingdom and walked through the village with Momo on Katara's shoulder.

"So, how long has it been since you've seen your father?" I asked Katara, she estimated the time in her head

"I'd say a good three or four years." She says, not counting the months. "It's been a while I would say."

"I'm proud that you let Sokka go see him, but I think you should have had a chance to see him too."

Katara sighs, " I'll see him eventually, he'd be happy to know I stuck to my duty to discuss with the generals. Plus, I didn't want to leave you by yourself."

I smile at her, " thanks for that."

"What about your father? has he reached out at all." Katara asked

I let out a small laugh, " not one bit, I'd be surprised if he even thought about me."

"Cmon don't say that, he's your father. I'm sure he cares about you."

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