twenty one

205 8 4

WE DIDNT EVEN LAST two hours in this prison without getting caught. Me and Zuko had been thrown in a cell, and since they found out Prince Zuko was here, the general that ran this prison wanted to pay a short visit

"sorry," I began, "it was a bit too much but I didn't know what else to do. It was either Sokka or us."

"It's okay, I would have probably done the same." He whispered

I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle at the fact that Zuko was about to face someone who used to be considered below him in status

"What's so funny?" He asked

I sighed long and humorously, cocking my head back and forth regaining a serious expression

"It's just odd to have the prince locked in a cell, in his own nation at that."

We hear several footsteps coming from behind the door

"Okay stop laughing now." Zuko spat, I stiffened. " oh— right."

The door opens to reveal the general who was accompanied by two other soldiers

"Well, I'd never thought I'd find you in here, Prince Zuko." The general mocked, as he stepped inside. Zuko stood with his back against the wall, his eyes low to the ground.

"The one who broke my nieces heart." He continued, I looked over at Zuko. " who's niece did you break?"

"I- I didn't mean to," he said, his head perking up now and looking straight at the general, "wait, You're Mai's Uncle?"

Her again? Did Zuko really break her heart? She must have really cared about him.

"I'm surprised she even had one in the first place." I say, voice soft and uncaring like

Zuko rose a brow, my eyes widened at what I just had spat out, " uh, forget what I said." I laughed nervously

Zuko turned back to the general, " I never meant to hurt her."

"Quiet!" The general demanded, "you're my special prisoner now," he turns over to me, " including you. Friend of the Avatar. It's my lucky day!"

"You won't be lucky once this is over!" I snap

He laughs, " you two outta behave, if these criminals found out who you two are—the traitor prince who let his nation down and the Avatar's dear friend. They'd tear you to shreds."

"So what's in it for you?" Zuko asked, crossing his arms together. "Why don't you just tell my father and collect a reward."

"Zuko. Don't give him ideas." I huffed

"Don't worry, I already had that in mind. In due time, I tend to collect." The general said, as he left the premises and locked us both back into the cell

I turned to Zuko, " well, I guess we are official fire nation prisoners."

"You say that like it's a good thing."

"Maybe." I say, small- voiced, " so, you broke Mai's heart? Interesting story ."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That's kinda your thing no?" I said, a ghost of a smile so cruel on my lips, Zuko had to blink to make sure it was real

"Wha— it's not like it was intentional."

I laughed, " just hope she doesn't find out you're here."


We finally met up with Suki and Sokka, but not the way I intended it to be. They had a list of chores for the prisoners to do, me, Suki and Zuko had been mopping as an excuse to get closer to Sokka

"Oh, good. You guys have met." Sokka said, referring to Suki and Zuko

"Actually we met along time ago." Suki clarified

"We did?" Zuko said trying to remember

"Yeah- you kinda burned down my village." Suki said, side eyeing him.

"You burned down her village?" I asked Zuko

"It was a long time ago." Zuko lamented, " sorry about that. Nice to see you again."

He's so awkward

"Nice to see you too Suki." I say, Suki smiles at me. " how's the bending coming along?"

"It's going great!" I exclaimed, " once we bust outta here we have to spar together sometime."

Sokka interrupted, " enough chit chat, I think I have a plan to escape. I checked out the coolers again, the whole point of them is to keep fire benders contained right?" He asked Zuko

"Yeah," Zuko nodded

"So they're completely insulted and sealed to keep the cold in. To keep the cold in it also has to keep the heat out right?" Sokka explained

"Just get to the point Sokka." Suki added

"It's a perfect boat from getting through the boiling water."

Zuko raised a brow, " the cooler as a boat? Are you sure?"

"I'm telling ya, it'll work." Sokka said confidently

I shrugged, " since no one else has any other idea, Sokka's cooler chamber boat plan should be enough."

"How are you gonna get the cooler out?" Suki asked

"Yeah, how are you gonna get the cooler out?" We hear chit sang say from above the staircase. He was eavesdropping this whole time

"What?" Sokka laughed nervously, " we didn't say that."

"Yeah you heard wrong." Zuko added

"I heard you trying to escape, and I want in." Chitsang continued

Zuko furrowed, " there's nothing to get in on."

"Okay, I come with you or the warden hears about this plan too." Chit sang threatened

Suki sighed, " I guess we have no choice."

"He could probably be some help anyway." I remarked

"Okay you're in." Sokka accepted


I stood close to Zuko as he pretended to mop before meekly bumping into me. I rolled my eyes as I turned around, ready to put on a show, like Sokka discussed earlier

"Hey!" I yelled, catching the attention of the prisoners, "What are you, stupid? Watch where you're going!"

I quickly brought my hands up to shove him backwards. Zuko felt surprised at my strength before he yelled back, "You watch who you're shoving!"

He pushed me back, making me stumble slightly.
The prisoners began to gather around. Zuko made some weak attempts at punching me, while in return i threw him roughly to the floor.

"I need backup over here!" Sokka yelled to the other guards.

I gave Zuko a subtle nod, hinting at him to firebend at me. He hesitated as he stood up.
It's like he wasn't sure if it would harm me in the process.

I knew that our time was running out, "Come on!"

Zuko reluctantly shot a poorly aimed blast of fire at me. I ducked down just in time as a guard approached them.

"No firebending! Into the cooler!" He pointed to Zuko

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