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WE HAD SPENT TWO HOURS LEARNING HOW TO WATER BEND, me and Aang of course. Katara had been showing us the ropes and what not. Since I was a bit more advanced now than before, it was mostly focused lessons on Aang

"You guys are going to be done soon right? We have a lot of ground to cover if we're going to make it to Omashu today." Sokka said, as he lay in afloat in the water with his hair completely covering his eyes. I never seen his hair down, it was longer than I expected

The plan was to go back to Omashu after the lesson, since we had stayed there for awhile but things got risky after the general wanted to force Aang into the Avatar state. He used Aangs emotions by straight up attacking him and all of us just to use us against him. All though it worked, I can't say it was such a good idea.

I was just happy I got to fight earth benders, very different than what I'm used too.

Katara advised me to buy a water bag to carry around all the time. Since there will be situations where no water is nearby, it'll come in handy when we need to go up against the fire nation

"what? Like you're ready to go? Naked guy." Katara smiled smugly

"I could be ready in two minutes!" Sokka exclaimed

I side eyed him, he had to be joking

"Seriously, whenever."

I sneakily motioned for the water to flip Sokka over as he splashed and fell. I burst out laughing as Sokka narrowed his eyes at me

"I liked it better when you didn't know any water bending." He says

I rolled my eyes as I swished my finger and shot a small stream of water on his face.

"it's okay to be jealous." I laugh

Sokka submerged underwater as he swam up to me and grabbed my leg, pulling me down with him

"Hey!" I sputtered, looking over at Sokka laughing his ass off

"Look who's wet now." Sokka teased, I was about to splash some water on his face until Katara pulled me aside as she water bended my body to where she was

"Kaila, our lesson isn't over yet." She says with her arms crossed.

"I would get up if I were you." Aang said teasingly.

"Sorry- sorry.." I say, putting my hands together and bowing. " continue, Master Katara."

"Katara was just showing me the Octopus form," Aang continued as he turned to look at Katara, " you should tell Kaila about it."

"Right, I'll show you the stance." She says, as she does the octopus stance. I analyzed everything from her body movement and tried to copy her stance

"That's great Kaila! Just like that." Katara said excitedly, she looked over at Aang and raise an eyebrow

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