Twenty four

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Zuko's pov

Weeks before the invasion

It's not like I had a choice

Well.. maybe I did

I felt like being tied on a thin line, and if I made the wrong move it'll break

Realizing you're addiction isn't always simple, some are more aware than others. And some spend their whole life thinking their addiction is a part of who they are

My addiction is my honor

It's not that I can't escape it, honor doesn't want me. Honor humbles me every chance it gets and always lets me know that I'll never get it back. I ignore it, and find ways to fight that fate it has set for me

My father agrees with my honor, he decides its fate.

I hate destinies you can't change.

Uncle iroh makes me believe it's possible, he is the hope that I cling on to and has led me as far ahead as I am now

back then, if I had to decide again in that cave in bah sing se, I would've chosen correctly

Most people follow their heart, I Don't

I follow logic, I always had. And logic was telling me to chase my honor because I wouldn't get another chance to do so if I didn't

Because I so badly wanted to be seen, my whole life it was my biggest desire from my father. I wanted him to see me as his son, and be proud of me.

But again, destiny had its own way of telling me I was living in a false reality

And it made sure it hurt

"I am proud because you and your sister conquered bah sing se," my father says, the tone in his voice doesn't match his words.

I wore the regal fire nation clothes, wearing it gave me a sense of nostalgia. Some good, some that I try not to remember. I was on my knees for respect, that's something that I could never forget about my father

He values respect and honor

"I am proud because, when your loyalty was tested by your treacherous uncle.. you did the right thing and captured the traitor." My father stated sternly, anger in the way he spoke about uncle iroh

If anything, I felt like the traitor. Back at the cave, his words never leave my mind. And I thought my heart was set on the things he said, but I couldn't help but to feel past urges of wanting my honor

And I knew I betrayed him

Was it all worth it? Betraying my uncle who was now a prisoner in the fire nation?

Betraying the avatar? Knowing azula might have killed humanities last hope

Betraying Kaila, the look on her face haunts my very soul. The way she was holding back her disappointment when I took Azula's side, deep down I knew she was angry at me.

And that's what keeps me up at night

The few moments that I have encountered the water tribe princess, I find myself opening up to her about things no one knows about. Its like our lives are somehow intertwined

I guess she's one of the few people who see good in me, like uncle iroh

My father walks up to me, " and I am proudest of all, of your most legendary accomplishments. You slayed the avatar."


My eye twitches, "what did you hear?"

Does he think I was the one who ended the avatar?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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