twenty three.

110 7 1

Sokka had come in my cell earlier to inform me about Hakoda's plan of taking the gondola and using the warden as a hostage.

"So, do you really think it's gonna work?" I asked

"Of course, I trust my dad with my life." He says confidently, if only I could say the same

"I trust you. I'm just glad we found him." I smiled, there was a small awkward silence between us. Maybe the fact that we kissed in front of my sister finally sunk in, I started to grow embarrassed

"uhm- I see you and Zuko are getting along well," he began, I let out a nervous laugh.

"well yeah I can tell he's different now, ya know?
Not chasing down Aang or wanting to fight us type of different."

"I guess people can change huh?" Sokka said

I agreed, "yeah, In a way.. we all sort of changed since the north."

maybe I was just trying to justify Zuko, but I truly believe that I had also changed since then. My water bending for example, it immensely improved since then

I wish Yue could see that

and well.. more importantly I think my point of viewing has changed

"how so?" Sokka asked intrigued

"for starters, you've become a great warrior and a brave leader. Compared to the feeble qualities you had before.." I teased making Sokka dead pan

"I'm not sure whether to be flattered or offended to hear that."

"How about both?" I say

He breathes for a moment, " before I came over here, I went to Zuko's cell but I couldn't even explain the full plan to him because the guards took him away before I could finish."

"Where is he now?!"

"I'm guessing some where with the warden."

That damn geezer. What does he want with him anyway?

"Damn it Zuko.. now we have two things to worry about." I complained

"it'll be okay.. I'm sure Zuko will come back to help. But for now, we'll stick to the plan. Suki will signal you to take action." He explained, I understood and nodded as I watched him leave the cell


My cell doors began to open and I watched as all prisoners were running out into the yard, no guards in sight.

I ran to the center to meet with Sokka, Hakoda, and Suki. Zuko missing. Which started to worry me even more now, I knew Zuko could handle himself but I couldn't even begin to imagine would could happen if worst comes down to worst

"This is it. We have to start a riot." Sokka desperately says

"Okay but how do we do that?" Suki asked

"I'll show you." Hakoda said walking up to some prisoners. He shoved a tall one who whipped around quickly.

"Hey!" The prisoner turned around with an annoyed expression, "What'd you do that for? That hurt my feelings"

"Aren't you mad at me?" Hakoda asked in confusion.

"Uh, well normally I would be," He answered honestly, "But I've been learning to control my anger"

"This isn't working" Sokka mumbled under his breath when Chit Sang suddenly appeared behind him, placing his hands on his shoulders.

"Hey, you! You're lucky I didn't rat you out," Chit Sang grinned slyly, "But my generosity comes with a price, I know you're planning another escape attempt and I want in"

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