Twenty two.

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WHEN WE FINALLY came down, rolling the cooler with us, we made our way down to the shore where chit sang was waiting just like planned

"Took you guys long enough." Chit Sang said. "This here is my girl and my best buddy." he pointed at them, the two people from earlier standing next to chit sang

"Fine, everybody in the cooler." Sokka said, picking up his clothes from under a rock

"Are you sure you wanna go?" Zuko asked. "You're the one who said you wanted to redeem yourself, redeem your honor. Rescuing your dad is your chance."

He had a point, we came all this way to find his father and yet we'll be leaving without him once again

"If I had just cut my loses at the invasion, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. Maybe sometimes is just better to call it quits before you fail." Sokka said with disappointment

"You can't blame yourself for that, we knew what we were getting into. What matters is that we tried, even though our chances were 50/50." I could tell Sokka was blaming himself for not being able to succeed in the mission, but it's already impressive enough that he led us into the invasion

"She's right! Look Sokka, you're gonna fail alot before things work out." Zuko told him

"That's supposed to make me feel better?" Sokka says a bit aggravated

"Even though you'll probably fail over and over and over again-" He continued, trying his best to look on the bright side of things which was a odd thing coming from Zuko

"Really not helping." Sokka huffed

"You have to try every time. You can't quit because you're afraid you might fail." He finished, looking back at it now it sounded like he was talking out of experience

"when did you become so wise?" I say kind of impressed, Zuko gave me a slight smirk. He was proud of himself for being encouraging like Iroh

"Hey, if you two are done cuddling, can we get a move on?" Chit Sang interrupted

"No, I'm staying, you guys go." Sokka says, making up his mind. I guess Zuko's words of encouragement really got to him

"I'm not leaving without you, Sokka." Suki turned to him and looked at him with sincere concern

"I'm staying, too." I added, looking over at Zuko to see what he would say, immediately he nodded in agreement

"Me too." He smiled without hesitation

"Not me, I'm out. Let's roll, baby." Chit Sang pushed the cooler into the water with the other two

"We gave up our only chance of escaping. I hope we haven't just made a huge mistake." Sokka says now debating whether it was a good idea to let them go

"Cmon, let's get back up to the prison before they catch us down here." I say, putting my hand on Sokka's shoulder reassuring him to keep his head up

We carefully were trying to make it back up to the prison, hoping that the guards wouldn't see us and suspect something of us. Sokka was still in distress and disappointed that we couldn't find his father.

Gongs began to sound as Chit Sang was found trying to escape, causing distress among the prison.

"The plan failed! They're caught!" Sokka said. "The gondola's moving." He said pointing to the vehicle that moved up and down the rope to and from the prison. "This is it. If my dad's not there, we've risked everything for nothing."

"We had to." Suki told him

Just then, a new gondola arrived with a load full of new prisoners

"Is that him?" Zuko asked as a man stepped out, I had forgotten he hadn't met Hakoda. A man that was distinctly the opposite of Hakoda with a nose ring stepped out making all of us grimace besides Zuko

"My dad doesn't have a nose ring." Sokka rolled his eyes.

"Where is he?" I said as more people stepped out but none of them were Hakoda making Sokka look down in disappointment

"That's it? That can't be it." I say still scanning the men from the gondola, but still no show

"I'm sorry, Sokka." Suki said sadly as she put her hand on his shoulder comforting him

"Oh no.." Sokka trailed off.

"Hey, you! Get off the gondola!" Shouted a guard.
We all looked up to see Hakoda step out of the vehicle, my eyes brightened with joy

"Is that him?" Zuko leaned in next to me, I glanced at how close he was, making me a bit nervous and heating up.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned, I could feel him being so near and the way he was looking at me made me freeze up

I scooted away from him, " yeah, I'm fine."

"Dad." I hear Sokka say, no longer frowning with disappointment. I'm glad we found Hakoda, now the real deal is busting out of here with him



omg I totally forgot to update this book :/ I've been so busy with my summer classes but I'm writing new chapters rn

Sorry this is so short but I'll make up for it I promise

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