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"THE LEGENDS SAY,THE MOON WAS THE FIRST WATERBENDER," Yue began as all four of us had been staring up at the full moon

The fire nation had seized to make it inside the walls, we had tried our best to fight back but they had many of them in their ships and Aang had began to feel helpless

"I've always noticed my waterbending is stronger at night, like the time I went to train with Katara and Aang." I explained

Katara agreed, " I thought I was the only one who noticed it too."

"The strength comes from the spirit of the moon, our life comes from the spirit of the ocean. They work together to keep balance." Yue said, I always remembered just how spiritually connected she was to everything. If it wasn't for Aang being here, I would consider her to be like the Avatar

"Spirits! That's it. Maybe I can find them and get their help." Aang sprung as he realized an idea

Yue raised an eyebrow, "how can you do that?"

"Well it's obvious that he's the Avatar, duh?" I say rolling my eyes, Yue sticks out her tongue childishly

"Hopefully they give Aang the wisdom to win this battle, it's not looking too good for your own sake air head." I tease as I look over at Aang

"Jokes on you, maybe they'll release a crazy spirit power that will overthrow the whole army!" He exclaimed

"Or wisdom, that's good too." I joke back, "and how do you suppose you're even going to talk to them?"

"She has a point," Katara chimed in, " last time you went by accident, how will you get there now?"

Yue sprung up, " I have an idea! Follow me!"

Yue had the great idea to take us to the most spiritual place in the entire North Pole. The center of all spirit energy

The yin and Yang koi fish

I've always been fond of those two, swimming around each other. Completely opposite but can never leave each others side

I wish me and Kaine were like the koi fish

I watched as Aang happily ran to the center of the garden, filled with grass. "I'd never thought I'd miss grass this much!" He happily says as he hugs the grass

" calm down, it won't go anywhere." I joke

Katara's face lit up as she walks with Yue, " wow, it's so warm here."

"that's because this is the center of all spiritual energy in our land." Yue explains

"Everytime I come here it always makes me feel at peace." I say admiring the place

"You're right Kaila," Aang agrees with me , " I can feel..something," he looks around before sitting down on the grass

"It's so tranquil." He says softly, as he touches his fists together and begins to meditate

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