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IT HAD BEEN QUITE SOME TIME since we had been traveling to the boiling rock. The sun already went down so I hope it won't take too long to get there

Sokka decided to take a nap while Zuko made sure to watch over the balloon.

Why was I awake? I'm not too sure

Maybe the thought of Zuko being with someone else, caring about someone else really kept me up

How did him and Mai meet? What did Zuko and her talk about?

Why was I feeling this way? I wasn't too sure but I know that I didn't really like it

"Are you cold?"

My head snapped towards Zuko, looking at me throughout the entire time I was just thinking about him—and Mai

"Oh? No I'm okay, thanks."

Truth was, I actually was kind of cold. ironic, being from the north and all.

He lets out a small laugh, "I can see you shiver, you're obviously lying."

Was I that obvious?

"Okay. Ya caught me. I am cold, happy now?" I say defensively

He throws a red blanket at me, " no need to get all embarrassed." I notice the blanket is imprinted with a fire nation emblem on it, probably from the royal palace or something

Was this.. his?

"Does everything you own have to be fire nation made?" I interject

"Well.. I am from the fire nation." Zuko said, " but I did once own a cool earth kingdom sword. But I gave it away to a friend so.. that's about it."

I laugh, " now that I think about it, you did live in bah sing se for awhile. Wearing earth kingdom clothes and all, green really suits you prince explosion."

He frowns, " not like I had a choice. Me and my uncle were both in hiding. It was either risking our selves getting caught or being turned over to Azula."

I grimace, " ou, yeah I think I would choose bah sing se over her."

So that's what they were there the same time as we were. I thought he was just tracking Aang like always

"I think maybe that's why a part of me couldn't bring myself to go against her. Azula is not someone you would want to fight." He says, I stare at him, studying his eyes

"Yeah, I get that. I almost tried fighting her too back at the invasion. She definitely has a way of getting to people. I even called her a pain in the ass, if it wasn't for those eight minutes of no fire bending— I would've been cooked."

He snickers, " a pain in the ass? Out of all things?"

I throw my hands in the air, " it was the first thing that came to mind!"

He shrugs, " you must have really hurt her feelings with that one."

I roll my eyes, " I'm usually good at those. Remember all the names I used to call you?"

"Yeah, how could I forget." He remarked

"Well point is— I could have really jeopardized the mission because of how angry I get."

"I tend to let my anger get the best of me too if you already haven't noticed." He says

"When I first met you, you had this whole, 'I'm gonna capture the avatar and no one is going to stop me' energy. So yeah, I definitely could tell you have some anger issues."

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