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YUE HAD BEEN BUSY WITH PRINCESS DUTIES ALL MORNING , let alone wedding plans. All I had to do today was go to my lesson on water healing with Master Yogada. Maybe I'll see if Kaine is free so we can go penguin sledding or something

We had been in the middle of a lesson, when sudden footsteps in the snow were heard coming from outside.

"Um, hi." A familiar voice said, we all looked up to see Katara standing there waving awkwardly at all of us

"Are you Yagoda?" She asked, Master Yagoda smiled at her.

"Are you here for the healing lesson?" She asked, Katara looked around at all of us before she answered

"I guess I am," she said lowering her voice in disappointment. Why was she so upset?

"Welcome!" Master Yagoda said to her as Katara made her way to sit with the rest of us.

After the lesson was over, everyone else left as usual but only me and Katara stayed.

"Thanks for the lesson." She told Master Yagoda

"So who's the lucky boy?" Master Yagoda asked her in which she responded in confusion

"You're wearing a betrothal necklace," I say pointing to her neck, " that means you're engaged right?"

Like Yue

"Oh, no— I don't think I'm ready for that yet. My grandmother gave my mother this necklace, and my mother passed it down to me." Katara said as she was holding the necklace, Master Yagoda took a closer look at the carving

"I recognize this necklace!" She says

"You do?" I say

"Yes! I don't know why i didn't realize sooner, you're the spitting image of kanna!"

"Who's kanna?" I ask

"My grandmother." Katara said with a smile, " how do you know her?"

Master Yagoda smiled, " I was friends with her, she was born here. Your grandmother had an arranged marriage with a young water bender. He carved that necklace for her."

"If Gran-Gran was engaged, why did she leave?" Katara wondered

"I dunno, that's always been a mystery to me. She left without saying goodbye."

After we left the premises, I walked through the village with Katara. Apparently she had been kicked out by Master Pakku for wanting to learn how to water bend and sent her with master Yagoda

"yeah don't be suprised, master Pakku is a stubborn man. Trust me, I've tried to get him to teach me." I say to her

"It's unfair, I'll show him just how much I can do." Katara said.

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