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"TWINKLE TOES! THATS GOTTA BE YOU!" Toph said as we all turn to see Aang confused as to what was going on. He had been asleep for at least two weeks, resting up his body and injuries.

"Aang! You're awake!" Katara exclaimed

"Are you sure.. it seems like I'm dreaming." He muttered, confusion still lingering

Katara goes up and hugs him, " you're not dreaming, you're finally awake."

Katara had been really worried for the past few days, I remember her sobbing one night because the thought of loosing Aang really scared her. I assured her that everything would be alright, the spirit Oasis never failed, and with my years of training on water healing he was sure going to be okay

More than okay

"Aang! Good to see you back with the living buddy," Sokka says, as he approaches Aang and gives him a hug

"Sokka..?" Aang questions as his eye lids begin to close

I realized Aang was about to faint again, "Quick! Someone catch him before he—-."

Aang had already fainted and hit the floor before we could even catch him.

"Katara, make sure to check on him when he wakes up." I tell the girl who had brought out a shawl to cover Aang until he woke up.

I walk over to Sokka who had been reading some battle scrolls and trying to formulate a plan for when we attack the fire lord

"How's the planning going?"

Sokka looks up from the scroll, " it's going pretty good, I think we actually might be able to pull it off. Since the world thinks Aang is actually dead, we won't have the fire nation let alone Zuko coming after us anymore."

The name Zuko ringing in my head

"Right.. no more zuko."

I tried to think that it was okay, it just kind of hurt a little that he chose to stick with the fire nation. He had so much potential to be good

"Everything alright?" Sokka asked, genuinely worried. "You look a little out of it."

"Yes." No, not at all. But I have to

"Is there anything that's bothering you? You know you can talk to me." Sokka conceited , unconvinced, letting down the scrolls he was reading.

I sighed, I hate that he knew me too well. Or maybe I sucked at hiding my emotions

"It's complicated. The funny thing is, it's about Zuko."

Sokka was baffled, " Zuko? Why are you upset about him?"

"Back in bah sing se, I was captured and thrown into a cave. Zuko was also thrown into the same cave."

"You and," he furrowed his brows. "Zuko? Had to fight?"

I shook my head

"Not really. I kind of yelled at him. For everything he put us through, and kind of blamed him for the loss of Yue. Told him straight up that he was a terrible person."

Sokka grins, " well he definitely deserves that."

"But he started telling me about his past, and how he got that scar. His own father banished him, and he hasn't seen his mother for the same reason. And I know you're going to call me crazy for it but he actually apologized, for everything."

I say, thinking about the sorry look on his face, how it felt genuine. The way we both vented to each other and somehow found comfort in each other. How we were face to face from each other, of course I wasn't going to share that part with Sokka

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍|𝐙𝐔𝐊𝐎Where stories live. Discover now