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AANG LED US THROUGH A SWAMP since his 'instinct' said that we had to go down there. Little did we know that the swamp was almost like a land of illusion. Maybe we had been there for too long to the point where we started seeing things

Like Yue

I saw Yue again— well I thought I did. And I know I wasn't the only one, Sokka saw her too.

Since we had separated, everyone in the group saw something different. Katara saw her mother, me and Sokka saw Yue and Aang saw a girl, for some odd reason

It was weird, getting reminded that Yue was no longer here.

After that fiasco, some swamp benders as I like to call them helped us get through and even offered to camp out with us. We had been eating and talking to them until the night came upon us and it had been time to go to sleep. Me and Katara shared a tent while the boys shared another one.

Katara had been doing my hair for the night, so I didn't have to do it in the morning.

She was so gentle with it too, kind of like she knew if she pulled the slightest it would hurt. I didn't even mention I was tender headed, only my sister and my mother knew that.

" you should seriously consider leaving your hair down like this." Katara says as she runs her fingers through my hair

I shook my head, " I dunno, I don't think it looks good." I really just didn't want to have it down, when fighting I like to keep it up

"I think it suits you— of course, your hair up is pretty too! Having it down just gives it that extra detail." She smiled as she began to walk toward the sleeping bag.

"Are you not gonna go to sleep?" She asked as she pulled the sleeping bag towards her shoulder

"Nah, I think I'm gonna stay up." I say

"Oh, in that case— can you take out the fire from outside?" She asked, " Sokka forgot to do that."

I figured why not, since it'll give me something to do. I lift up the entrance of the tent to go outside and take out the remaining fire. A outline of a guy had been sitting in front of the fire just staring at the flames

I wondered who was up at this time?

I walked toward the mysterious person, getting a closer look I realized who it was

"Sokka?" I ask, as he turns around to look at me

"Hey," his soft voice says, I join him by sitting down besides him. "Can't sleep either?"

"No, not at all." I say back. " you okay? Why are you sitting here all alone?" I ask

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be? I just wanted to admire the fire." He says nonchalantly, he was trying to approach with a carefree tone but he wasn't fooling me. And I know it had something to do with today

"Really? Admire the fire?" I repeat what he last said, "weird, I never took you as a fire lover."

Sokka laughed, " I could say the same thing."

"Okay, we're both out here. Admiring the fire or whatever that means." I begin to say, but I wanted to cut to the point

"I also feel weird, after seeing her again today." I say, it took him awhile to realize what I was referring too. " Yue, I haven't been able to take that moment off of my mind."

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