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I've dreaded the day of the black sun but it's finally here

Hakoda had come back, with the southern water tribe troops along with a few old friends. Everything had been set for the invasion— and even Aang prepped himself by shaving his head. He no longer had the black hair

I kind of liked the hair in his head, it was unusual at first but I grown to like it

Bald Aang is probably where he gets his power from anyway. It makes him look more badass whenever he goes into the avatar state

"So, this is it huh?" Aang says to the four of us standing in front of him

" are you ready for the fire nation to know the avatar is alive?" Sokka exclaimed, but Aangs face was stern and serious

"I'm ready." He said, locking in. I realized just how mature he's gotten, he really came a long way

We all give aang a group hug, " I hope you kick some serious fire lord butt twinkle toes." Toph tells Aang

"Everyone listen up! Hakoda began, "the next time we resurfaced it'll be on the beaches. So stay alert and fight smart. Now break time is over, back in the subs!" He commanded

We begin to walk towards the subs, when I turn around to see Aang kissing Katara. My eyes widened and I had to do a double take to make sure my eyes were seeing things clearly

Totally was going to have to talk her to death about that later

The plan was to infiltrate the fire nation, Hakoda was to lead the troops while Katara and Appa survalanced from above.

Me and Toph were given the task to create a diversion for Aang to come in and fight the fire lord. Sokka leading the whole plan

We had made it into the throne room, Aang blew down the door with his air bending. The shock on our faces grew when we saw Azula sitting in the throne and not fire Lord Ozai

"So, you are alive after all?" Azula said to Aang as the four of us barge in the throne room. "I had a hunch that you survived. But it doesn't matter, ive known about the invasion for months."

How could she have known?

"Where is he? Where is the fire Lord?!" Aang yelled, the four of us were ready to take her on.

Azula stood up from the throne, "am I not good enough for you?" You're hurting my feelings." She said taunting

"Stop waisting our time and give us the information!" Sokka demanded

"You're powerless right now. I wouldn't refuse if i were you." I say sternly

"And stick to the truth!" Toph said, "I'll be able to tell if you're lying."

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