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DIAMONDS SHATTERED TO REVEAL AANG, who had airbended the diamonds in the cave down, and Katara who helped him

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DIAMONDS SHATTERED TO REVEAL AANG, who had airbended the diamonds in the cave down, and Katara who helped him. Zuko's uncle was with them as well

"Katara!" I exclaim in joy, as I run up to her and give her a big hug. " I had no doubt you would come and help."

"Yeah, you're welcome Kaila." Said Aang, waiting for his thank you from me. I let go of Katara and hug Aang as well.

"Yes— sorry about that. Thank you too." I say, Aang hugs me back. I let go of him as my eyes lay on the same old man from before, standing next to Zuko

"Uncle! I don't understand? What are you doing with the avatar?!" Zuko asked furiously turning to his uncle

"Saving you! That's what." Aang snapped back, he already wasn't too happy about it, and I could tell.

Zuko didn't like the fact Aang was being snippy, as he let out a grunt in anger and almost went out at Aang. His uncle held him back from doing something, "— Zuko, it's time we talked." He said

He turned to Aang and said, " go help your other friends. We'll catch up with you."

As Aang bowed in respect, he quickly turned to walk away and into the tunnel that leads out of the cave, Katara following him from behind.

As I was about to follow Katara, I glanced back at Zuko, who seemed guilty and a bit confused. Part of me wanted to stay and maybe comfort him in some way? I guess I was feeling confused too.

I had remorse over our so called enemy

"Kaila," Katara said, I turned back to look at her. She was motioning for me to leave with them.

I shook the idea out of my head and instead decided to follow Katara and go help the rest of the group

We met up with Aang, as we were running to find the nearest exit

"We've gotta find Sokka and Toph!" Katara yelled, until a blue lightning bolt made its way to Aang direction

He quickly earth bended a wall to block the bolt, revealing Azula behind the trick

Katara quickly came up with a water wave that she bended and shot it down to Azula. Vapor started to emerge as Azula blocked the water with her blue fire

Instantly, she came up behind us and tried to shoot fire balls at us. Me and Aang water bended them down, in unison like we did in many lessons and practices

Azula had been cornered, it was three against one.

Suddenly, a shot of fire had landed next to Azula, but she quickly dodged it. I turn over to see Zuko had been the one to have attacked his own sister

Has he finally changed teams? Was he really going to fight his sister?

He gave Azula a glance and then his eyes landed on me, for a moment it was like he had decided. And then he looked over at Aang, not hesitating to attack him with fire

He starts attacking Aang with fire, as Azula shoots me and Katara with her blue fire.

And just when I thought he had good in him

I should've known, why had I been so stupid to think he changed.

Nonetheless, Azula had to do something about us two. At least we had the upper hand on this.

Katara began to water bend a wave that almost had Azula, she was inches away from the water slicing her face

I had built up enough anger to perfect my bending, as I set myself in the octopus stance like I had learned from Katara. I motioned for one of my tentacles to grab Azula by the arm, once I had her I swung the other way and held her by the left.

I had her, until Zuko came in and sliced the water arms with his fire

The audacity Zuko had to begin to attack me, I blocked his shots with my water arms

"Aang!" Katara yelled as she went up to him, he had been beaten and fell to the ground by Zuko

"What are you doing?" I yell, catching Zuko's attention, "I thought you had changed?!"

"I have changed." He says, as he shoots another fire ball at me. He was out of his mind, and to think just a minute ago he was being gentle with me

Both of the fire siblings started attacking me at once, with a huge fireball, I flew to the wall and hit by back on it

Aang and Katara came to the rescue, as they tried to get them away from me. We were overpowered, as the Dai lee all came charging out of no where, leaving Aang cornered and Katara deafeated

I hear Aang say, " I'm sorry Katara." As he earth bended diamonds covering him inside.

He started glowing inside of it, I assumed he was in the avatar state. But why did he mean by 'I'm sorry Katara?' Why was he apologizing to her?

A light illuminated the whole cave, as Aang came out of the diamond hut, in the avatar state.

He began to ascend, ready to take on the whole Dai Lee army, until Azula aimed at his back with her lightning

It shot at Aangs back, as he began falling downward. Before he could fall, Katara washed everyone away with her water as she caught Aang in her arms

I ran up to her to see if Aang was alright, the sadness in her eyes said it all. Aang was gone

I turn to see fire coming from the left, being shot at Zuko and Azula. It came from Zuko's uncle, as he jumped in front of us to defend Aang

"You've got to get out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can!" He said turning back to us, as he started to attack his nephew and niece

"cmon, let's go somewhere safe." I say to Katara, who was holding Aang by her shoulder, I helped her by carrying him with my other shoulder

We were back on the Avatar's bison, Sokka had been waiting for us to get out of the cave. Katara lay Aang's body down and turned to look at me

"I think it's time," she says looking down to where I had the potion from spirit oasis hanging from my neck.

I nod at her quickly taking it off and handing the potion to her. She takes out the ounce of water from inside and places it on Aang's back

Katara let out a cry, as she held on to Aang's body, hoping he would come back to life.

Aang was our last hope, if this didn't work, we were doomed for another ten years

Katara gasps, as she seen Aang open his eyes.

"He's awake!" I say happily

Katara's eyes glimmer as she lets out tears of joy, quickly hugging Aang in relief

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