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"AM I DOING THIS RIGHT?" I asked as I poured the pot of tea into the cups, Zuko had offered to make tea for everyone to enjoy for tonight.

"you're rushing it," he said, "just be gentle with it, it's boiling hot."

"right I forgot you used to work at that tea shop.. you really are a tea expert." I laugh. He smiles a little. " I worked with my uncle in bah sing se for months, I pretty much know all types of tea."

"Really? Do you know jasmine? It's my favorite tea— well Yue was the one that introduced me to it."

He looks at me, his eyebrows knitted together, " Mine too. And it is my uncle's favorite, that's also why I like it."

I smirk, " you wanna be me so bad." He laughs, " I could say the same thing. Coming from royalty, having daddy issues..." Zuko began as he jotted down similarities , " Oh! Being a bender also.. I think you want to be me."

I jolt up, " no way man, I for one am much better at bending my element than you are." I say, he laughs again. " oh so now we're comparing ability? Didn't you just learn how to water bend like three months ago?"

"No... more like four and a half months." I huff

"So I think in terms of ability.. I win that game. By experience of course. And the fact that you're coming to me for guidance. But it's okay, I appreciate admirers." He states as he pats the top of my head

I slap his hand away and when I do, I feel scabs in his knuckles. " Hey! They're healing up pretty well so far!" I gasp and grab his hand that was resting on the tea pot handle

He looks down at his hand, "oh yeah, it's probably the water healing you put on it. They normally don't heal that quick."

I run my fingers along the edges. " they're still pretty terrible though."

"Yeah, it sucked when I was cleaning the pots earlier." He chuckled

"I can imagine. Have you been bandaging them?" I ask even though I already knew the answer.

He turns to look away embarrassed, " ..noo."

"Zukooo!" I groan, " you're supposed to bandage them up or else they'll hurt."

"I will, I promise." He laughs

"Oh by the way, I wanted to thank you for yesterday. Ya know saving us from that combustion man." I say changing the subject.

"Yeah no problem. I guess you helping me with the tea is returning that favor." He shrugs

"I offered the help, so is it really a favor?" I point out.

"Favor, no favor. I enjoy your company so you are doing me a favor." He admits

My heart stops. Did I hear that right? Was the smell of the tea getting to me?

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍|𝐙𝐔𝐊𝐎Where stories live. Discover now