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__________________________MY SISTER IS THE MOON

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If someone would have told me that a month ago, I would've thought they were on drugs

Master Pakku and my father agreed to send Pakku and a few other benders & healers down to the southern tribe to try and rebuild the nation

That's what Yue would've wanted, she would have made that her first duty as queen

Me and my father had been outside the palace, staring at the moon. Now that Yue is up there, it feels weird that our family of three has diminished into two

Father was staring up at the moon, he sighed before he spoke, "the spirits gave me a vision, when Yue was born. I saw..a beautiful brave young one, become the moon spirit."

"So you knew this would happen?" I question in disbelief, this whole time? He knew. And he didn't tell me anything?

"I knew the day would come, just didn't know it would be soon." He sighs, as he hangs his head low

"are you proud of her? After everything I mean.. I know this was definitely not what I was expecting for her to end up." I breathe, "she would Have been a great ruler." It's true, she was already headed down that path. Her attitude and passion for her nation would have made her successful. I have a feeling me and my father won't be talking about anything else but Yue right now, and that's okay. I don't think we need to adress the dishonorment right now.

After all, he's still my father

"Of course I am. So proud...." He says looking up at the moon and squints, " and sad."

Sokka and Aang had walked up to us, along with Katara. All three of them had a smile on their face, especially Aang. It seemed like they were going to ask me something.

"Happy to be leaving out of the north?" I asked

Aang laughs, "sort of, I think I'm ready to see grass again."

"Enough with the grass," Katara chimed in, " Kaila, we have something to ask you."

I raise an eyebrow, " ask me what?"

Aang smiled, " well—."

"We want you to join team Avatar!" Sokka exclaimed, making Katara grimace

"We are not called team Avatar." She says to Sokka, making him frown

Aang looks back at me, " I know it's a big decision, but I feel the spirits tell me that having you come along will be beneficial in the long run."

"The spirits?" I question

"It's also a gut feeling," Aang chuckled, " it's up to you though, I don't want to pressure you into something you don't want to do."

"I'm flattered, but I don't exactly understand why you would want me to join?" I say a bit baffled

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