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After finally convincing Zuko to leave, the rest of us were left shocked at the scene from earlier. I was in confusion again, about Zuko

"Obviously he wants to lead us into some kind of trap" Sokka answered, he couldn't exactly put it past him, that he could still be affiliated with the Fire Nation.

"Like he did in Bah sing se. When we were trapped together in that cave. I don't know how he did it but, he started talking about his mom and made it seem like he was an actual human being with feelings." I confessed, my breath hitched at the last sentence.

"He wants you to trust and feel sorry for him so you let your guard down, then he strikes" Sokka added.

I agreed, " he had me believing him for a moment, and I fell for it like an idiot."

"We can't trust him," Katara interjected, " and we definitely won't fall for whatever he's planning now."

"I kind of have a confession to make," Aang spoke up shyly as everyone turned to face him, "Remember when you two were sick and I got captured by Zhao?"

"And you made us suck on frozen frogs? How could I forget? I had a wart on the flap that hangs down from the back of my throat for a month" Sokka replied.

I grimace , "what the—

"Sokka, I looked at it, and I told you, there was nothing there!" Katara snapped.

"I could feel it! It's my throatal flap!"

"I'm surprised you know what that's called." I say

"Anyway, when Zhao had me chained up, it was Zuko who came in and got me out," Aang continued, "He risked his life to save me"

"No way! I'm sure he only did it so he could capture you himself!" Katara yelled.

"Yeah, face it Aang, you're nothing but a big prize to him." Sokka said with a small frown

From my very short time of knowing Aang, I've learned that he's a pacifist. The nomads back in those times were taught to bring peace, no matter what. I do think that Aang tried to forgive Zuko, even after all he did.

Like that time in the north, we could have left Zuko buried in the ice. But Aang decided to help me take him with us.

This is all very confusing because I'm not sure where my heart is set in this situation

"You're probably right" Aang spoke uncertainly.

"And what was all that stuff about setting Appa free? What a liar!" Katara exclaimed.

"Actually, he wasn't lying" Toph clarified.

"Oh, hooray!" Sokka cheered mockingly, "In a lifetime of evil, at least he didn't add animal cruelty to the list"

"I'm just saying that, considering his messed up family and how he was raised, he could've turned out a lot worse"

"I think he already has turned out worse," I add

Katara smiled sarcastically, "Let's go find him and give him a medal. The not as much of a jerk as you could've been award!"

"All I know is that while he was talking to us, he was sincere. Maybe you're just letting your hurt feelings keep you from thinking clearly" Toph argued

"Easy for you to say! You weren't there when he had us attacked by pirates!"

"Or when he burned down Kyoshi island!" Sokka added.

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