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AFTER OUR LOSS OF THE INVASION , Hakoda thought it was the best for team avatar to go into hiding. Even though most of his soldiers were going to be prisoners, he had hope that this battle would end soon

Majority of the youngest in the group came along with us, as most of them had known Aang during his journey

I could tell Aang was pretty distraught that we lost the battle, I felt for him really, being the Avatar wasn't so easy

We had been walking our way to the western air temple, Appa wasn't a good transportation choice anymore since the fire nation could track us down

"This is humiliating," Katara says tiredly

Sokka turns to her, "you mean getting thoroughly spanked by the fire nation or having to walk all the way to the air temple?"


"Sorry guys," Aang said, "but Appa gets tired of carrying all these people."

"wait i thought we were walking so the fire nation wouldnt track us down?" i question

"yeah, thats another reason." aang asnwered

"I wonder how the rest of the troops are." The kid named Teo asked aloud

"They're probably on their way to a prison. Seems like my dad just got out and he's going back in." Haru said, looking downcast

"I miss pipsqueak." The duke sighed, suddenly I was reminded of Jet. I didn't get to know him for long but he seemed like a good person.

Although katara had told me about what Jet did to them, and it's kind of understandable. He just had a lot of anger towards the fire nation for what they did to his parents

That could have been what I could have turned out if it wasn't for team avatar

"I miss not having blisters on my feet." Sokka complained when Toph stomped her foot down

"Hey! We are here! I can feel it!" She announced

I looked around at the barren surroundings in confusion, "uhm Toph? Not sure exactly what you're seeing... or feeling? But I see absolutely nothing."

"No, she's right! We are here!" Aang said in relief

"Wow! It's amazing!" Toph exclaims, still wasn't sure what they were referring too

Aang noticed my confusion, " it's underground, you'll see in a bit."

We had gotten Appa to take us down where the southern temple was, Aang was right. The whole thing was upside down

I've read and studied about the air temples, back in the palace. Never thought I'd get to see it in person

Yue would be proud

Katara made us have a little team avatar meeting, Aang wasn't too excited about it since he wanted to explore the temple along with Haru and Teo

"We need to decide what we're gonna do now, and since you're the avatar, maybe you should be apart of this." Katara explained

Aang sat down with a frown on his face and crossed his arms, "fair enough, so what's the new plan?"

"The old plan is the new plan! You just need to master all four elements and confront the fire lord before the comet comes." Sokka answered

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍|𝐙𝐔𝐊𝐎Where stories live. Discover now