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"I CANT BELIEVE WE ARE HAVING A DANCE PARTY." Sokka says as he sets up a table full of lit candles

Apparently the clothes Aang had stolen were fire nation academy uniforms. They mistook him as a student and sent him to school, and Aang actually decided to keep going?

So now he's having his first ever school party

I'm not surprised Aang rose to popularity at school so soon, his personality is very captivating

"It just seems silly." Sokka said

"Don't think of it as a dance party, think of it as a form of showing off fancy foot work." Aang began to dance an old form of fire nation style

"The party might not be silly, but that dance sure is." I say

Soon, aangs classmates began to arrive inside the lit cave. The music students set up there instruments and began to play traditional fire nation music

I was honestly digging it

But it seemed like his classmates weren't really the dancing type, since they only stood there and watched. Unsure of what to do

Aang tried to show off some old fire nation dance moves that his old friend Kuzon had shown him 100 years ago

He even had some girls from his class impressed, and some even blushing from it

Me, Toph and Katara had been watching from far as we sat in a table drinking fire nation beverages

"Who knew twinkle toes could dance!" Toph said as she took a sip from her cup

"Wait.. how can you tell?" I ask, remembering that She's literally blind

"I can feel his moves, I'm assuming he's doing good."

I turn to look at Katara, " what do you think Katara? Is Aang a good dancer?"

Katara smiled shyly, " I mean— yeah.. I suppose he is."

I noticed that Aang had invited one of his classmates to dance with him, she looked nervous at first but Aang made sure she felt comfortable enough to dance

"Wow! They look really good together." Sokka says

"Ehh," Katara shrugs, " if that's what you like."

I could tell this bothered her, something was up

Just then, everyone started to get into the rhythm. Aang had broken the ice with his classmates as they all started to dance and break loose

Aang walked up to where Katara was sitting and held his hand out for her to take, implying that he wanted to take her out to dance

"I don't know Aang ...these shoes aren't really right for dancing. And I'm not sure that I know how too." Katara says procrastinating

"Take my hand." Aang tells her, a smile never leaving his face

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