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" SHOULD I WEAR MY HAIR UP OR DOWN TODAY?" I say looking in the mirror while Yue sat on my bed

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" SHOULD I WEAR MY HAIR UP OR DOWN TODAY?" I say looking in the mirror while Yue sat on my bed

"I think you should let it down for once, it looks pretty." She said as she smiled

I ignored her suggestion and began to pull it up in a messy bun, she frowned that I hadn't let my hair down

"Oh why should I even bother." She says giggling, I looked back at her and smiled

"The day my hair becomes as pretty as yours is the day I let my hair down."

"I would give anything to have hair like yours Kaila." She says softly admiring my hair, I shake my head

"Nonsense, yours is the most beautiful I've ever seen. And you know that."

She sighs, "maybe to you, but it's the one thing I would change about myself."

I scoff, " that's ridiculous, all the boys swoon over you. I wouldn't change a thing about you."

She smiled, "that's kind of you to say, I'd say the same for you."

Yue has always been so pretty, I wish I had been born like her. But I understand why she has that gorgeous snow-like hair, she has the moon spirit in her and without that she would have died. I couldn't imagine a life without my older sister.

"By the way, happy birthday Yue." I say to her, she just turned 16. Which is the age to marry in our tribe. Father had made the plans work to arrange a marriage for her, the guy is a pain and I definitely don't think he's good enough for Yue

It's crazy that just a year ago we were talking about this, now it's actually happening

"Thanks," Yue says, sadness in her voice. "I know I should be happy today and excited about my celebration but— I'm not."

"I get it, I would be too if I were in your shoes. And I'm honestly scared for that day to come. But I know you'll get through this. And I'll be with you until you do." I say confidently

A knock had been made on the front door of my room, we both turned to the noise as Yue walked to it and opened the door. It was one of the servants of the palace

"Your father wants both of you to come to the throne room as soon as possible. The avatar has arrived and will be at your celebration."

Yue nods, " yes, we will be there as soon as possible."

The avatar? As in the master of all four elements? The one who can stop the fire nation?

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