Dinner and Doubts

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Fatima: Friend I need you to go with me to see the wedding planner tomorrow, Corey canceled on me...AGAIN.

Danni: What's the reason this time? He has showed up twice and acted an ass both times. Why are you marrying him?

Fatima: I'm starting to ask myself the same thing, can you come with me if not I'll reschedule.

Danni: Yes, now what happened?

Fatima: Work, but I don't want to talk about it right now.

Danni: Cool, whacha doing?

Fatima: Don't do too much but I'm meeting g Zachary for dinner.

Danni: Timmmmma you playing a dangerous game. That must have been a hell of a lunch? I need details!!

Fatima: I'll tell you tomorrow after the meeting, I have to finish getting dressed, ill see you tomorrow.

I put on a jet black cocktail dress that hugged me in all the right places. My natural curls was popping and my make up was flawless.

After dinner I'm planning on having a relaxing evening of Journaling and resting. I've got so much on my mind, I just need to think. On the way to the restaurant guilt starts to set in. Did I over reacted, am I crossing the line. I called Corey to see if he made it to Ohio. I didn't get an answer,

I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes after Zachary and he is looking fine. He is so handsome, intelligent and confident, funny and holds a great conversation.

Zachary: Can I ask you a question? If it's too personal you don't have to answer.

Fatima: Sure.

Zachary: How long have you been having doubts about getting married? You blessed a nigga with this invite but ain't no way he treating you right or you wouldn't be here with me.

Fatima: It's complicated but I'm not having seconds thoughts, I just enjoy your company. You're very ambitious and intelligent. Gianna is a lucky woman, are you going to make an honest woman out of her?

Zachary: Gia is cool, I don't know about marriage but we been some stuff and it's love there but to be honest we nearing the end of the road.

Fatima: Why?

Zachary: I want you.

Fatima: Zachary.

Zachary: Yes Fatima.

Fatima: That's not good enough, you don't even know me. That and I'm engaged.

Zachary: What that got to do with me? I know enough to know I want to know more. I understand we both in situations right now but like I said I'll end it immediately for a shot with you.

Fatima: Zachary that's not what I want, I need a friend. I like your energy and being around you but I have no plans on cheating on or leaving my fiancé.

Before Zachary could respond Corey called Fatimas phone. She answered saying hello a few times before realizing he but dialed her. He asked her if she was done eating and ready to go back to the room. She said she need to check on the baby first. I hung up the phone, before I could gather my thoughts the phone rang again.

Fatima: Hello

Corey: Hey babe, I was just calling to check in. My flight was delayed I'm just now landing.

I don't want to address this infront of Zachary and I want to see how many lies he is going to tell me.

Fatima: You're coming home Sunday right?

Corey:Uhm yeah, long as this work shit go smooth. If not it won't be until Tuesday, uhm babe my signal going in and out. Let me call you back.

Zachary: You good?

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