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I got the most beautiful bunch of flowers delivered to me today. The note read "You're my reason, I love you" I smiled reading the card. I'll called Corey to thank him and try to hash out our disagreement from earlier today. I'm so in love with him and can't wait to spend the rest of my days  being his wife.

Corey: Hey Baby, did you get the flowers I sent you?

Fatima: Yes baby, thank you they are beautiful. I appreciate the gesture but these don't fix the problem babe. You have to get your temper under control.

Corey:  Listen I'm sorry for letting my emotions get the better of me. I hate it when we fight. I didn't mean to yell at you Tima, I'm not trying to take my frustrations out on you. I'm really sorry babe, I just need you to stop tripping and panicking ok.

Fatima: I'm not tripping Corey, I'm worried babe. What kind of wife would I be not to voice my concerns?

Corey: Tima, haven't I always come back home to you? You keep asking me what's my reason and it's you babe. I'm getting this money now so you want for nothing later.

Fatima: But honey, I want you! I want for nothing material, I rather have you than money. I have my own money, I keep telling you it's only two ways out of this life. It's no happy ending to this shit. Babe I don't want to be a young widow, so again why even get married? What's the reason?

Corey: Fatima I promise you I'll be done with in a year, before we even get married. You're acting like I'm some corner nigga. I'm an honest man and I run a legit business.

Fatima: Don't make promises you have no intentions on keeping Corey, you promised me that last year and here we are. Listen thanks for the flowers, I'll talk to you later.

Corey: There you go with that passive aggressive shit Fatima. Call me in a couple days when you calm all that shit down. I don't want to hear none of that bullshit.

Fatima: So now me communicating my feelings is passive aggressive bullshit?
He hung up on me, this is the shit I'm talking about.

Danni: Tima let that shit go, ain't no need of letting him ruin your whole day.

Fatima: Too late, we had this same discussion last night. He makes 6 figures at his corporate job and still wants to be tied up in this shit. I hate it.

Danni: Tima you love him, you ain't going nowhere and he knows it. You have pushed this wedding back 2x already waiting for him to change his behavior and career. He isn't going to change sis, you sure you wanna to marry this nigga?

Fatima: Yes D, I do. It's just complicated right now. I know we love each other and no relationship is perfect.

Danni: It shouldn't be complicated with a nigga you've known for this long but I'm not go press you on it. Just remember who the fuck you are and what you deserve sis.

Fatima: I know D, I got it. Anyway did you find something to wear to the birthday bash?

Danni: Girl no, I'm going to get something after you finish threading my eyebrows. I got so much to get done in such a short amount of time.

Fatima: I'm almost done friend. I wonder if Zachary and his girlfriend is going to show up?

Danni: Uhm hmm, I just bet you do.

Fatima: Not like that, it would be nice to catch up with him that's all.

Danni: Hey Hey Hey. I support you and you don't have to explain shit to me. If you want to play catch up with a nigga while you're engaged, especially to a nigga ass fine as Zachary then I support it.

Fatima: Bye Daniella, you're all set.

Danni: Thanks, friend. But I know you heard me heffa.

Fatima: I heard you, I'm not paying you no attention but I heard you.

Danni: Good enough for me. Ok boo, ill meet you tomorrow morning at the catering company.

After Danni left I finished two more clients before heading home to change into more comfortable clothes.

Danni's is turning 30 on July 30th, today is the 15th and she just finally decided to have a party. I hope word got back to Zachary, I good use some exciting energy.

I haven't heard from Zachary since Danni and I last saw him. I was kinda hoping he meant sweing him would be a frequent coincidence. I guess It's for the best. My mind is only wondering to him because I'm upset with Corey.

Corey official title is financial director over stocks and bonds for the top three banks. However, he really worked as the go between for one nameless man who owned three of the top banks turning illegal money to legal money for some big time drug bosses including the cartel.

Corey carries himself like the boss he is, he is a watcher and a thinker who is always one step ahead of the game. The problem with us is we can't have a normal relationship because he is always on alert. He also disappears for a day or two with no explanation and expects me to be ok knowing he'll be back eventually.

That is what caused last nights argument that carried over to this morning. He is the love of my life but I'm getting tired of his actions and temper. He can be an asshole and a hothead. Even though I can't imagine myself with anyone else I also can't imagine myself settling for a life I deserve.

It's 2pm and I'm in my office processing invoices for the Spa when Stacey knocks on my door to let me know someone is demanding to speak to me specifically. Whoever it is can't be a repeat or vip client or they would have access to my direct line.

I told her to let them in and it's that girl Zachary was with last week. What the fuck does she want? Send her in please.


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