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Fatima: What? I think it's cute.

Zachary: Nope, you need a cover-up on.

Fatima: A cover-up on a sundress? I'm a million months pregnant, ain't nobody paying me any attention.

Zachary: I'm trying to keep it that way. Put that cover up on and come on so I can feed you baby.

Fatima: You're the one who packed it.

Zachary: Yeah, that was my bad. You got too much ass for that. I don't like it.

Fatima: Babe, I'm not putting on a cover-up because you tripping. My ass go pop in everything I put on. Can we go so we can get back. I want to lay up and do nothing with you.

Zachary: Fine by me.

Zachary arranged for them to have a morning massage, brunch, and then a beach date in a private cabana. Later, he would take her site seeing before dinner, making sure she had enough time to get rest in between activities.

The couple had lunch by the Pacific Ocean. The food was spectacular, and the view was amazing.

Zachary rented a car to take her shopping, the ride was going smooth until Zachary's phone kept ringing. The ringing wasn't bothering her it was the way he would answer it in the middle of her sentence. If he didn't answer it he would completely lose his train of thought.

Fatima: Omg I thought this trip was for us to bond, can you please turn your phone off? The world won't fall apart if you're unavailable for a couple hours.

Zachary: My bad baby. I can't turn it off babe but you have my undivided attention.

Fatima: No, I don't.

Zachary: Tima don't start, can we have a good day please.

Fatima: No, because your attention is on other shit. Like what the fuck, why are you suddenly so requested. I thought you was the boss man, your phone should ring for emergencies. I was having a great time until now, what's really going on?

Zachary: I told you from the beginning I'd tell you what you need to know. Don't worry about nothing, once you have the baby I'll be out. Shit is just hot right now.

Fatima: That is in 6 weeks or so Zachary.

Zachary: I know that.

Fatima: So you're telling me all this shit is over soon as the baby comes?

Zachary: Yes, now can we get back to our good day babe. I do not want to argue with you today.

Fatima: I don't want to argue either but I'm not about to bite my tongue Zachary. You are on your phone too much, you're keeping shit from me and you're making promises you're incapable of keeping. So now that I got that off my chest we can get back to this fake ass "Good day".

Zachary: Why it gotta be fake? We can't have a good day?

Fatima: I can but if I'm not playing by the Zachary Taylor playbook you have laid out then you're in a mood. I'm not the reason you're having a bad day, you are. Look within.

Fatima was looking out the window with a scowl on her face. Zachary called her name twice but she had already blocked him out. She was trying to find the energy to push through until her next nap. This pregnancy seems to be draining the life out of her. She was ALWAYS tired or hungry.

Zachary pulled the car to the side of the road. He put in it park while still calling her name. He reached over physically turning her head towards him.

Zachary: Hey did you hear me?

Fatima: I didn't.

Zachary: I can tell you were zoned out. My attention is on you. I love you. I'm not making empty promises and I seriously want us to leave here on the same page. I don't want to be the reason you have that frown on your face. Please trust all this extra activity has an end date. I'm not that nigga, you can trust me.

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