I See You

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Zac ♧

Zac: Gia baby let me call you back I'm about to kick it with my peoples for a little while.

Gia: But we were in the middle of something Zac, that's rude!

Zac: No what's rude is for you to wait until the last minute to say you're still not ready to meet my family. We have been dating damn near a year, what are we doing?

Gia: Whatever Zac, I'm not pressuring you to meet my family. It will happen when it happens. I'm not comfortable in holiday situations.

Zac: Gia it's the 4th not Thanksgiving, you want me to argue with you and I'm not about to feed into your tantrum. Bye.

I pulled up to my aunt's house first, my uncle was on the grill. My female cousins and they home girls was making rum punch. My male cousins was gathered in the backyard kicking it, smoking,playing cards. I gave my auntie a hug, before she sent me to get some ice.

I went to the liquor store up the road, I grabbed some the ice and a gallon of Hennessey a gallon of cranberry Altos and a gallon of Titos. I also grabbed a few different juices for those who like to mix.

Walking out I ran into one of my childhood best friends Niko. We grew up across the street from each other not to far from here. He was throwing a BBQ at his house with some of the other dudes I grew up with.

I stayed at my aunts house until after we finished putting on a firework show for all my neices nephews neighbors ect.

I kissed my mom, sister and aunt goodbye before I left.

I was high and drunk by the time I got to Nikos house. The kids was still running around playing with sparklers, the house was still full of people. I walked in and said hey to everyone before I found Niko counting books of spades.

Niko: I'm glad you made it. The liquor and food in there. Oh and moms made a rum punch cake.

I went directly to the dining room to find that cake and a shot. His mom came over to hug and catch up with me.

I heard a raspy but squeaky voice say, "Ma, where do you keep your paper towel, I can't find it."

It's under the kitchen sink. Can you bring me a pack of napkins please?

In walked the finest woman I've seen in years. She thick like I like, she smells good and them heels...OMG. "I think to myself, who is this". I play it cool and grab the napkin about to walk away when Niko's mom said "Fatima you remember Niko's friend Zac don't you?"

Fatimmmmmma??? She a got damn lie, this is Niko's irritating nagging little sister Fatima. Gawwwd damn she grew the fuck up!

Zac calm down, speak clearly I say to myself.

Fatima: Hello, Zachary. I haven't seen you in years, you look good. How are you?

Zac: I'm good, the last time I saw you was at you and my sister's highschool graduation. What 10 years ago, wow. How are you.

Fatima: I'm good, well let me get back to my fiancé. It was good seeing you.

I wanted to fucking the fight air right there infront of all the kids running past me sipping on Capri sun's. I took my plate back to the living room grabbed a chair and sat right across from Fatima and her "fiancé". I just wanted to see what type of man he was, I needed to see my competition though it didn't matter she'll be mine soon regardless.

Fatima was always a pretty girl. She's about three years younger than us. I remember her being a spoiled tomboy tattletail.

I tried to made small talk with her but her nigga wasn't having it. He knew what I was on, being slightly drunk had me a little off my game.

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