We need to talk again

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Fatima: Baby this was so sweet of you, I love it.

Zachary: I hoped you would, it looks good on you.

Fatima: So do you.

Zachary: I do don't I, I'm going to let you get back to work but I need to holler at you about something, can you come straight here when you're done?

Fatima: I can, but is everything okay, is something wrong?

Zachary: Nothing wrong babe.

Fatima: Ok, ill be done at 6.

Zachary: Eat light, I'm cooking dinner.

Fatima: Ok, thank you again for the bracelet.

Zachary: You're welcome baby.

Zac and Fatima have been got and heavy for the past three months. They aren't official yet but the title doesn't mean anything to them at this point. Tima has been busy preparing to open her new location and close one as well.

Zachary is a real-estate investor, and a business investor. He is a also a silent partner with the Atlanta Hawks. Zachary money makes money for him, he doesn't have to do anything but he chooses to spend 3 days a week checking on his different businesses.

Zachary completely ended everything with Gia. Originally he would get Sienna every other week from Friday night to Monday afternoon but once Gia finally realized he was there for Sienna and not her she said he couldn't see her anymore.

Fatima still hasn't tied up all the loose ends she needs to with Corey. He would still pop up every few weeks causing her emotional chaos then disappearing. Zachary was unaware, he knew all her attention wasn't on him but he didn't know why.

Danni and Niko were still going strong. There relationship helped Fatima and Niko get tighter as siblings. He loved Zachary for her because he knew what type of man he was. Zachary wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on whomever he deemed a threat.

Most saw him as a business man, which he is but thay street life isn't that far behind him.

Zachary was in his office handling some business when Fatima arrived. He wasn't expecting her until 6, it was 1pm. He laughed as he let her in.

Zachary: Hey you, you couldn't wait huh?

Fatima kissed him, putting her head on his chest while still in his embrace

Fatima: No, what's on your mind, it sounds important.

Zachary: It wasn't that important babe, you could've finished working.

Fatima: If it's important to you then it is important enough, what's going on?

Zachary: Babe I wanted to have this conversation over dinner and wine so it wouldn't seem heavy.

She froze looking at him strangely. Heavy?

Zachary lead her to the couch, she took a seat next to him. He pulled her on top of him so she straddled facing him.

Zachary: Babe, you know how I feel about you right?

Fatima lifted her head making direct eye contact looking puzzled before answering him "Yes Babe"

Zachary: Good, are we on the same page?

Fatima: Yes,where is this coming from Zachary?

Zachary: You know where this is coming from Tima. I needed to know where your head was so I know how to move.

Fatima eyes started to water. She tried to get out of his arms and out his lap.

Fatima: Let me up please.

Zachary: Why?

Fatima: Because we just had this conversation and I feel like you think I'm playing with you and I'm not.

Zachary: I believe you Fatima, however I know your still in love with that other nigga.

Fatima: What am I supposed to say that I haven't already said? I mean I'm not in love with him but I do still love him. I never hid or denied that. I've been honest with you babe I swear.

Zachary: I know that T, but what more can I do to show you that I deserve the love you have reserved for him?

Fatima: Nothing. You don't have to earn my love. You are the most important person in my life, I'm sorry I just can't force myself to hate someone who meant so much to for so many years. I'm sure you still have love for your ex right?

Zachary: I don't at all, I'm focused on what's infront of me not what's behind me.

Fatima: So am I. However I'm also not rushing to jump from one relationship right into another one. I enjoy what we have.

Zachary: What do we have?

Fatima: A great friendship/situationship.

Zachary: A situationship? Fatima I need more than that, you're basically saying we're fuck buddies.

Fatima: I treat you like a fuck buddy?

Zachary: I didn't say that, I'm asking you.

Fatima: Zachary baby I care for you deeply. You are my friend, my confidant and my lover. I value you and all bring to the table. I appreciate how you attend to my needs, I adore you baby. However I keep trying to get you to see that I'm damaged and I'm moving slow because I want to enjoy this ride before you realize that who I really am and leave me.

Zachary: I love you, I would never do that.

Fatima: Huh

Zachary: I said I LOVE YOU

Fatima started to cry, she loves him to but the words are stuck in her throat.

Fatima: Zachary

Zachary: Fatima

Fatima: I love you and I'm in love with you.

Zachary: See that wasn't so bad was it? I got one more question.

Fatima: What's that?

Zachary: Will you be my official girlfriend?

Fatima: You're so lame lol, but yes baby!

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