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Zachary continued to kiss me while exploring my breast and ass simultaneously. I have on a sports bra and crop top, making it easier for him to massage my erect nipples.

Mmmm fuck T, ok okay I need to go before I lose all self control. You're so fucking beautiful. Fuckkkk

I leaned into him, pulling him closer kissing him deeply. Damn it Zachary, you have a talented tongue, I'm so intrigued.

He licked down my neck up to my ear and whisperd "By intrigued do you mean wet?"

I started blushing, I wasn't used to a man paying so much attention to me. Him saying that turned me on even more. "That too" I replied in a sultry tone as I bit my bottom lip.

Zachary licked my bottom lip before gently sucking on it, making eye contact with me. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waste. He pinned me against the back of the door, I kissed up and down the side of his face as he pecked my lips a few more times before we finally pulled ourselves away from each other.

Zachary: We still on for later?

Fatima: Yes of course.

Fatima: Uhm, Zachary.

Zachary: Yes Fatima.

Fatima: Thank you for getting me home safely and for making sure I'm good.

Zachary: It's was truly my pleasure friend. You sure you don't need me to take you back to your car?

Fatima: Yeah Danni will be here soon, she will take me. I appreciate the offer.

Zachary: I appreciate you. I'll see you in a little while.

Zachary left and I was floating on air, I have been down the last few weeks leading up until the party. I've been going through the motions almost regretting calling off the wedding. I know people may judge but I'm still in love with Corey and I'm having a hard time accepting that part of my life is over.

Danni came and got me and we went about our Saturday reminiscing about the last 24hrs.

Fatima: Bitch you was threw. You was still yelling Aye aye aye when Niko was putting you in the car.

Danni: Girl I woke up naked at the foot of the bed talking shit feening for my birthcake. Bitch I was drunk but I wasn't blind, I saw you and Zac on the dance floor, and that love jones ass kiss! Bitch went from sad to glad in 2.2 seconds.

Fatima: Hell yeah, I ain't even going to lie. I felt bad for Greg, I know he saw Zachary kiss me and the Casamigos in me at the time didn't care.

Danni: Aren't you glad I made you start drinking early.

Fatima: Hell no, I was throwing up for damn near an hour. I woke up dazed and confused, Zachary fed me IHOP and I don't remember any of it. It's been years since I woke up and immediately checked on Roxy. I've never drinking that shit again.

Danni: Wait don't think I didn't clock that. Fed you pancakes? Checking Roxy? You fucked Zac? Ooooh Bitch how was it, did he fuck the sadness out you?

Fatima: Shut up lol, and no I did not sleep with him. He was a perfect gentleman, well I guess he was since a bitch was drunk ass fuck.

Danni: Awwww shit, so what happened then? I can tell by the way you blushing something else happened.

Fatima: Nothing he put me in bed, this morning I made us breakfast. We spent time catching up and getting to know each other. He left a little while ago but we're hanging out tonight.

Danni: Hanging out, what does that mean?

Fatima: It means we are going to hang out. I'm barely out of a relationship and not looking for a new one. He is in a complicated situationship as he called it, and I'm woman enough to admit I'm still mourning my relationship with Corey. Zachary and I are building a friendship. I like how he makes me forget my problems and how he looks at me while I'm talking. Danni he listened and heard me today and I wasn't even saying shit.

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