Choose Wisely

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Fatima: Danni I'm fucking done. Done! He can stay gone, fuck him.

Danni: Ti.

Fatima: No. I'm not wrong. He didn't have to go, he chose to. He chose to leave me after I begged him not to. What if he is walking into a set up, whoever shot at us has been following us all day. I saw the man go in the bank after Zachary. What if they are walking into an ambush. What if my brother gets killed then what about you and Cane?

Danni: Don't say that Fatima. They will be back and if they not back in two hours we can take Cane home and go find them.

Fatima: If he isn't back in an hour and a half like he said he can stay gone. I chose me. I'm going to lay down before I stress my baby out.

Zachary and Niko returned in one hour and fifteen minutes. Danni was curled up on the couch holding a sleeping Cane. Danni told Niko to carry Cane to the car. He could spend the night another time.

Zachary got undressed and climbed into bed with Fatima. She had her back turned to him but was very much awake. He pulled her close to him while rubbing her belly and whispering his apologies in her ear.

Zachary: Tima baby, Don't be mad at me baby, I'm home now.

Fatima didn't want to argue so she stayed silent. She was thankful nothing happened to him or Niko however she didn't want to hear anything he had to say.

Zachary: Oh you giving me the silent treatment? Baby, I'm sorry. Talk to me baby.

Fatima moved Zachary off of her and went to sleep. When he woke up the next day she was gone. She left everything including her car and cellphone.

Zachary wasn't angry he was hurt. For  her to leave without a conversation hurt him. Just like Fatima, Zachary also had residual childhood abandonment issues. Her leaving him triggered and angered him. He had to calm himself down and think before reacting to her childish tantrums.

Zachary went about his day as normal  even going to Fatimas house to pack up her house. He went got Cane from Niko. They spent the day together playing video games and go cart racing. He took Cane home before going back to his place packing his suitcase and carry one bag for a quick trip.

He successfully kept his mind busy and his heart out his feelings all day until now. Now he was in the shower thinking about how the love of his life walked away from him, disregarded his heart like trash, took his son and hasn't attempted to call all day to acknowledge her hormonal rash reaction. He was still angry. Oh well, his flight left in 3 hours. He wasn't headed to her first. He threw the bags in the truck, lit his blunt and floored it to her current location.

Meanwhile Fatima is on the other side of town enjoying a fudge brownie with an ice cold water without a care in the world. She spent her day getting catered to. She was gifted a pair of beautiful diamond earrings from an impromptu shopping trip. Her unborn was gifted a year worth of diapers, wipes and onesies. She had showered, her dinner was prepared for her and now she was eating brownies enjoying a pedicure.

She like Zachary forced herself not to think about what transpired the past few days. She needed a break and was planning to enjoy being untraceable for the moment. So she thought until the doorbell rang, her heart sank because her energy could tell it was Zachary.

Zachary came through the door with a fresh bouquet of multi colored flowers with a bag if orange slices and a cold coke handing over once he gained entry inside.

Zachary: These are for you, I hope you like them. I brought your favorite snack as well.

Monet: Thank you son, I love them.

Zachary: Is Fatima still awake, I'm here to take her home.

Monet: She's right over there, ill give you to a minute but Zachary fix this and quick.

Zachary: I will ma, we won't be long. I love you.

Monet: I love you too son.

Zachary: Fatima put the brownie down and let's go.

Fatima was still giving him the silent treatment. She looked at him and kept chewing. She then reached for another one being petty. He snatched the container from her hand before repeating his last sentence.

Zachary: Let's go.

Fatima: Aye give that back! How did you even find me?

Zachary: I never lost you, let's go.

Fatima: You sure about that?

Zachary: Honestly no but if you don't come on right now then I give up. This is my last attempt to fix this shit, if you don't want to then we're done and I'm ok with either option. Are you?

That pissed her off and hurt her feelings because she could see he meant it. She let him help her off the couch and they left together. The car ride was silent until Fatima fell asleep in a sugar coma. She woke up when she felt Zachary unbuckling her seatbelt. She looked around noticing they  weren't at home.

Fatima: Where we going? I don't have anything.

Zachary: Maui, just me and you. I packed everything you need, the only thing missing is you. We need to fix this, I figure we can talk on the jet. Deal?

Fatima: Deal!

Short chapter but a chapter none the less. What's yall thoughts? Vote!

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